Answer set programming at a glance

G Brewka, T Eiter, M Truszczyński - Communications of the ACM, 2011 -
Answer set programming at a glance Page 1 C r e D It t K 92 CommunICatIonS of tHe aCm |
DeceMBer 2011 | voL. 54 | No. 12 review articles Page 2 C r e D It t K review articles DeceMBer …

Applications of answer set programming

E Erdem, M Gelfond, N Leone - Ai Magazine, 2016 -
ASP has been applied fruitfully to a wide range of areas in AI and in other fields, both in
academia and in industry, thanks to the expressive representation languages of ASP and …

[Књига][B] Knowledge representation, reasoning, and the design of intelligent agents: The answer-set programming approach

M Gelfond, Y Kahl - 2014 -
Knowledge representation and reasoning is the foundation of artificial intelligence,
declarative programming, and the design of knowledge-intensive software systems capable …

Industrial applications of answer set programming

A Falkner, G Friedrich, K Schekotihin, R Taupe… - KI-Künstliche …, 2018 - Springer
Automated problem solving in combination with declarative specifications of search-
problems have shown to substantially improve the implementation and maintenance costs …

Advances in WASP

M Alviano, C Dodaro, N Leone, F Ricca - Logic Programming and …, 2015 - Springer
ASP solvers address several reasoning tasks that go beyond the mere computation of
answer sets. Among them are cautious reasoning, for modeling query entailment, and …

[HTML][HTML] Design and results of the fifth answer set programming competition

F Calimeri, M Gebser, M Maratea, F Ricca - Artificial Intelligence, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well-established paradigm of declarative
programming that has been developed in the field of logic programming and non-monotonic …

I-DLV: the new intelligent grounder of DLV

F Calimeri, D Fuscà, S Perri… - Intelligenza …, 2017 -
DLV is a powerful system for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning which supports
Answer Set Programming (ASP)–a logic-based programming paradigm for solving problems …

WASP: A native ASP solver based on constraint learning

M Alviano, C Dodaro, W Faber, N Leone… - Logic Programming and …, 2013 - Springer
This paper introduces WASP, an ASP solver handling disjunctive logic programs under the
stable model semantics. WASP implements techniques originally introduced for SAT solving …

Answering the “why” in answer set programming–A survey of explanation approaches

J Fandinno, C Schulz - Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 2019 -
Artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to problem-solving and decision-making are becoming
more and more complex, leading to a decrease in the understandability of solutions. The …

The sixth answer set programming competition

M Gebser, M Maratea, F Ricca - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2017 -
Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well-known paradigm of declarative programming with
roots in logic programming and non-monotonic reasoning. Similar to other closely related …