Exploring the benefits and drawbacks of AR and VR technologies for learners of mathematics: Recent developments

M Cevikbas, N Bulut, G Kaiser - Systems, 2023‏ - mdpi.com
Despite the growing interest in the field, the overall impact of augmented reality (AR) and
virtual reality (VR) on mathematics learning remains unclear, with previous studies reporting …

[HTML][HTML] Current challenges and future research directions in augmented reality for education

MZ Iqbal, E Mangina, AG Campbell - Multimodal Technologies and …, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
The progression and adoption of innovative learning methodologies signify that a respective
part of society is open to new technologies and ideas and thus is advancing. The latest …

[HTML][HTML] Creating an immersive XR learning experience: A roadmap for educators

M Meccawy - Electronics, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
The use of extended reality (XR) technologies, namely Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual
Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) in education, has attracted much attention in recent …

The potential of extended reality in Rural Education's future–perspectives from rural educators

X Wang, GW Young, MZ Iqbal, CM Guckin - Education and Information …, 2024‏ - Springer
Technology-enhanced education can potentially enhance teaching and learning outcomes
for rural educators since they face limited educational resources and low job satisfaction …

Enhancing steam education through augmented reality: the eduar open platform experience

D Velarde-Camaqui, R Celaya-Ramírez… - Frontiers in …, 2024‏ - frontiersin.org
Quality education is pivotal for fostering innovation and development, with Augmented
Reality (AR) offering transformative learning experiences. The absence of open-access …


S Ivan, O Natalija, S Jelena - International Journal of Cognitive …, 2022‏ - cyberleninka.ru
Augmented reality is often indicated as a usable educational technology that can be
integrated into biology classes to overcome the shortcomings of traditional teaching (such as …

Evaluating the use of mixed reality in CSI training through the integration of the task-technology fit and technology acceptance model

M Albeedan, H Kolivand, R Hammady - IEEE Access, 2023‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Despite the emerging literature on adopting Mixed Reality headsets in crime scene
investigation, it is still debatable on how to employ these headsets and its application for …

Pemanfaatan augmented reality sebagai media pembelajaran terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa dalam pendidikan modern

MR Rachim, A Salim, Q Qomario - Jurnal Riset Dan Inovasi Pembelajaran, 2024‏ - etdci.org
Abstract Pemanfaatan Augmented Reality (AR) telah muncul menjadi teknologi inovatif yang
prospektif untuk meningkatkan pengalaman belajar dengan menyajikan informasi …

[HTML][HTML] AGILEST approach: Using machine learning agents to facilitate kinesthetic learning in STEM education through real-time touchless hand interaction

MZ Iqbal, AG Campbell - Telematics and Informatics Reports, 2023‏ - Elsevier
There is an increasing interest in creating interactive learning applications using innovative
interaction technologies, especially in STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and …

[HTML][HTML] Metaverse as tech for good: Current progress and emerging opportunities

MZ Iqbal, AG Campbell - Virtual Worlds, 2023‏ - mdpi.com
Metaverse is an upcoming transformative technology that will impact our future society with
immersive experiences. The recent surge in the adoption of new technologies and …