[HTML][HTML] Multiphasic scaffolds for the repair of osteochondral defects: outcomes of preclinical studies
Osteochondral defects are caused by injury to both the articular cartilage and subchondral
bone within skeletal joints. They can lead to irreversible joint damage and increase the risk …
bone within skeletal joints. They can lead to irreversible joint damage and increase the risk …
Clinical application status of articular cartilage regeneration techniques: tissue‐engineered cartilage brings new hope
S Jiang, W Guo, G Tian, X Luo, L Peng… - Stem Cells …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Hyaline articular cartilage lacks blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves and is characterised
by limited self‐repair ability following injury. Traditional techniques of articular cartilage …
by limited self‐repair ability following injury. Traditional techniques of articular cartilage …
[HTML][HTML] Progress and prospect of technical and regulatory challenges on tissue-engineered cartilage as therapeutic combination product
X Guo, Y Ma, Y Min, J Sun, X Shi, G Gao, L Sun… - Bioactive Materials, 2023 - Elsevier
Hyaline cartilage plays a critical role in maintaining joint function and pain. However, the
lack of blood supply, nerves, and lymphatic vessels greatly limited the self-repair and …
lack of blood supply, nerves, and lymphatic vessels greatly limited the self-repair and …
Regeneration of articular cartilage defects: Therapeutic strategies and perspectives
X Guo, L **, M Yu, Z Fan, W Wang… - Journal of Tissue …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Articular cartilage (AC), a bone-to-bone protective device made of up to 80% water and
populated by only one cell type (ie chondrocyte), has limited capacity for regeneration and …
populated by only one cell type (ie chondrocyte), has limited capacity for regeneration and …
Consensus guidelines on interventional therapies for knee pain (STEP Guidelines) from the American Society of Pain and Neuroscience
CW Hunter, TR Deer, MR Jones… - Journal of pain …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Knee pain is second only to the back as the most commonly reported area of pain in the
human body. With an overall prevalence of 46.2%, its impact on disability, lost productivity …
human body. With an overall prevalence of 46.2%, its impact on disability, lost productivity …
Operative management of osteochondral lesions of the talus: 2024 recommendations of the working group 'clinical tissue regeneration'of the German Society of …
The working group 'Clinical Tissue Regeneration'of the German Society of Orthopedics and
Traumatology (DGOU) issues this paper with updating its guidelines. Literature was …
Traumatology (DGOU) issues this paper with updating its guidelines. Literature was …
Sustained low-dose dexamethasone delivery via a PLGA microsphere-embedded agarose implant for enhanced osteochondral repair
Articular cartilage defects are a common source of joint pain and dysfunction. We
hypothesized that sustained low-dose dexamethasone (DEX) delivery via an acellular …
hypothesized that sustained low-dose dexamethasone (DEX) delivery via an acellular …
Cell therapy for cartilage repair
Regenerative medicine, using cells as therapeutic agents for the repair or regeneration of
tissues and organs, offers great hope for the future of medicine. Cell therapy for treating …
tissues and organs, offers great hope for the future of medicine. Cell therapy for treating …
Donor‐site morbidity after osteochondral autologous transplantation for osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
R Bexkens, PT Ogink, JN Doornberg… - Knee Surgery …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Purpose To determine the rate of donor‐site morbidity after osteochondral autologous
transplantation (OATS) for capitellar osteochondritis dissecans. Methods A literature search …
transplantation (OATS) for capitellar osteochondritis dissecans. Methods A literature search …
Formation of osteochondral organoids from murine induced pluripotent stem cells
SK O'Connor, DB Katz, SJ Oswald… - … Engineering Part A, 2021 - liebertpub.com
Osteoarthritis is a debilitating joint disease that is characterized by pathologic changes in
both cartilage and bone, potentially involving cross talk between these tissues that is …
both cartilage and bone, potentially involving cross talk between these tissues that is …