[HTML][HTML] Methodology for assessment of inclusive social responsibility of the energy industry enterprises

M Dudek, I Bashynska, S Filyppova, S Yermak… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Enterprises of the energy industry, trying to keep up with the rapid development of scientific
and technical progress, often do not study and predict the potential negative consequences …

[PDF][PDF] Почему одни страны богатые, а другие бедные. Происхождение власти, процветания и нищеты

Д Аджемоглу, ДА Робинсон - М.: АСТ, 2015‏ - academia.edu
Аннотация Книга Дарона Аджемоглу и Джеймса Робинсона «Почему одни страны
богатые, а другие бедные»–один из главных политэкономических бестселлеров …

[ספר][B] Why nations fail: The origins of power, prosperity, and poverty

D Acemoglu, JA Robinson - 2013‏ - books.google.com
2024 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences,“who have demonstrated the importance of societal …

[ספר][B] Blueprint: The evolutionary origins of a good society

NA Christakis - 2019‏ - books.google.com
" A dazzlingly erudite synthesis of history, philosophy, anthropology, genetics, sociology,
economics, epidemiology, statistics, and more"(Frank Bruni, The New York Times), Blueprint …

The consequences of radical reform: The French Revolution

D Acemoglu, D Cantoni, S Johnson… - American economic …, 2011‏ - aeaweb.org
Abstract The French Revolution had a momentous impact on neighboring countries. It
removed the legal and economic barriers protecting oligarchies, established the principle of …

Education and catch-up in the industrial revolution

SO Becker, E Hornung, L Woessmann - American Economic Journal …, 2011‏ - aeaweb.org
Research increasingly stresses the role of human capital in modern economic development.
Existing historical evidence—mostly from British textile industries—however, rejects that …

Jewish communities and city growth in preindustrial Europe

ND Johnson, M Koyama - Journal of Development Economics, 2017‏ - Elsevier
We study whether cities with Jewish communities grew faster than cities without Jewish
communities in Europe between 1400 and 1850. We match data on city populations from …

Elites and institutional persistence

JA Robinson - The role of elites in economic development, 2012‏ - books.google.com
There is a great deal of consensus amongst social scientists that the main explanation for
comparative economic performance is variation in economic institutions, construed broadly …

The future of economic, business, and social history

G Jones, MHD van Leeuwen… - … Economic History Review, 2012‏ - Taylor & Francis
Introduction (by the editors of SEHR, Alfred Reckendrees and Jacob Weisdorf) On 25 May
2012, the Scandinavian Society of Economic and Social History celebrated the 60th …

Law and social capital: Evidence from the Code Napoleon in Germany

JC Buggle - European Economic Review, 2016‏ - Elsevier
I test whether legal institutions crowd-in social cooperation in the long-run, using the
introduction of the Code Napoleon in parts of 19th century Germany as a historical …