What is known and what remains unexplored: A review of the firefighter information technologies literature

J Weidinger - International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2022 - Elsevier
To increase the situation awareness of firefighters, literature frequently proposes the use of
novel firefighter information technologies. Due to the versatility of the field and the lack of …

Exploring the design space of optical see-through AR head-mounted displays to support first responders in the field

K Zhang, BR Cochran, R Chen, L Hartung… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 - dl.acm.org
First responders (FRs) navigate hazardous, unfamiliar environments in the field (eg, mass-
casualty incidents), making life-changing decisions in a split second. AR head-mounted …

[HTML][HTML] Route planning for fire rescue operations in long-term care facilities using ontology and building information models

RG Wang, PY Wu, CY Liu, JC Tan, ML Chuang… - Buildings, 2022 - mdpi.com
As our society ages, more and more elderly or disabled people live in long-term care (LTC)
facilities, which are vulnerable to fires and may result in heavy casualties. Because of the …

Многокритериальная модель мониторинга пожара в здании для управления пожарно-спасательными подразделениями

НГ Топольский, ДВ Тараканов… - …, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
Представлена многокритериальная модель мониторинга пожара в здании,
предназначенная для формализованного описания процесса сбора информации об …

Information systems architecture for fire emergency response

R Prasanna, L Yang, M King… - Journal of Enterprise …, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose There has been a lack of meaningful information systems architecture, which
comprehensively conceptualise the essential components and functionality of an information …

Group activity recognition using belief propagation for wearable devices

D Gordon, M Scholz, M Beigl - … of the 2014 ACM International Symposium …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
Humans are social beings and spend most of their time in groups. Group behavior is
emergent, generated by members' personal characteristics and their interactions. It is …

[HTML][HTML] Study of a BIM-Based Cyber-Physical system and intelligent disaster prevention system in Taipei main station

CH Lin, MC Ho, PC Hsieh, YC Shiau, ML Yang - Applied Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
Because of its large area and complicated space utilization, in the event of a disaster, rescue
efforts in specific areas of Taipei Main Station would be difficult. In addition, rescue efforts …

The effectiveness of absence of humour in leadership in firefighting frontline communication: a reversal theory perspective

F Rosing, D Boer, C Buengeler… - European Journal of Work …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A leader's humour can be detrimental to communication effectiveness,
particularly in emergency situations. Using reversal theory, we argue that the absence of …

Prototypes of user interfaces for mobile applications for patients with diabetes

J Pavlas, O Krejcar, P Maresova, A Selamat - Computers, 2018 - mdpi.com
We live in a heavily technologized global society. It is therefore not surprising that efforts are
being made to integrate current information technology into the treatment of diabetes …

Модель управления безопасностью при работах на пожарах в непригодной для дыхания среде

ББ Гринченко, ДВ Тараканов - Пожаровзрывобезопасность, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
Разработана вероятностная модель управления безопасностью участников тушения
пожара при работах в непригодной для дыхания среде с учетом условий и ограничений …