What is known and what remains unexplored: A review of the firefighter information technologies literature
J Weidinger - International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2022 - Elsevier
To increase the situation awareness of firefighters, literature frequently proposes the use of
novel firefighter information technologies. Due to the versatility of the field and the lack of …
novel firefighter information technologies. Due to the versatility of the field and the lack of …
Exploring the design space of optical see-through AR head-mounted displays to support first responders in the field
First responders (FRs) navigate hazardous, unfamiliar environments in the field (eg, mass-
casualty incidents), making life-changing decisions in a split second. AR head-mounted …
casualty incidents), making life-changing decisions in a split second. AR head-mounted …
[HTML][HTML] Route planning for fire rescue operations in long-term care facilities using ontology and building information models
RG Wang, PY Wu, CY Liu, JC Tan, ML Chuang… - Buildings, 2022 - mdpi.com
As our society ages, more and more elderly or disabled people live in long-term care (LTC)
facilities, which are vulnerable to fires and may result in heavy casualties. Because of the …
facilities, which are vulnerable to fires and may result in heavy casualties. Because of the …
Многокритериальная модель мониторинга пожара в здании для управления пожарно-спасательными подразделениями
НГ Топольский, ДВ Тараканов… - …, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
Представлена многокритериальная модель мониторинга пожара в здании,
предназначенная для формализованного описания процесса сбора информации об …
предназначенная для формализованного описания процесса сбора информации об …
Information systems architecture for fire emergency response
R Prasanna, L Yang, M King… - Journal of Enterprise …, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose There has been a lack of meaningful information systems architecture, which
comprehensively conceptualise the essential components and functionality of an information …
comprehensively conceptualise the essential components and functionality of an information …
Group activity recognition using belief propagation for wearable devices
Humans are social beings and spend most of their time in groups. Group behavior is
emergent, generated by members' personal characteristics and their interactions. It is …
emergent, generated by members' personal characteristics and their interactions. It is …
[HTML][HTML] Study of a BIM-Based Cyber-Physical system and intelligent disaster prevention system in Taipei main station
CH Lin, MC Ho, PC Hsieh, YC Shiau, ML Yang - Applied Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
Because of its large area and complicated space utilization, in the event of a disaster, rescue
efforts in specific areas of Taipei Main Station would be difficult. In addition, rescue efforts …
efforts in specific areas of Taipei Main Station would be difficult. In addition, rescue efforts …
The effectiveness of absence of humour in leadership in firefighting frontline communication: a reversal theory perspective
ABSTRACT A leader's humour can be detrimental to communication effectiveness,
particularly in emergency situations. Using reversal theory, we argue that the absence of …
particularly in emergency situations. Using reversal theory, we argue that the absence of …
Prototypes of user interfaces for mobile applications for patients with diabetes
We live in a heavily technologized global society. It is therefore not surprising that efforts are
being made to integrate current information technology into the treatment of diabetes …
being made to integrate current information technology into the treatment of diabetes …
Модель управления безопасностью при работах на пожарах в непригодной для дыхания среде
ББ Гринченко, ДВ Тараканов - Пожаровзрывобезопасность, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
Разработана вероятностная модель управления безопасностью участников тушения
пожара при работах в непригодной для дыхания среде с учетом условий и ограничений …
пожара при работах в непригодной для дыхания среде с учетом условий и ограничений …