Site response in a layered liquefiable deposit: evaluation of different numerical tools and methodologies with centrifuge experimental results
Results of a centrifuge experiment simulating seismic site response in a layered level
liquefiable soil profile are used to evaluate and systematically compare the predictive …
liquefiable soil profile are used to evaluate and systematically compare the predictive …
SANISAND-Z: zero elastic range sand plasticity model
The theory of zero purely elastic range in stress space within the framework of bounding
surface plasticity is applied to sand constitutive modelling. The yield surface shrinks to zero …
surface plasticity is applied to sand constitutive modelling. The yield surface shrinks to zero …
[HTML][HTML] Earthquake response of monopiles and caissons for Offshore Wind Turbines founded in liquefiable soil
Monopile has been the most widespread foundation type for Offshore Wind Turbines (OWTs)
in shallow waters. Caisson (skirted) foundations have also been evaluated in some projects …
in shallow waters. Caisson (skirted) foundations have also been evaluated in some projects …
Characteristic limitations of advanced plasticity and hypoplasticity models for cyclic loading of sands
Numerous studies in the literature are concerned with proposing new constitutive models for
sands to simulate cyclic loading. Despite considerable progress in this area, there are …
sands to simulate cyclic loading. Despite considerable progress in this area, there are …
SANISAND-MSf: a sand plasticity model with memory surface and semifluidised state
A new constitutive model for sand is formulated by incorporating two new constitutive
ingredients into the platform of a reference critical state compatible bounding surface …
ingredients into the platform of a reference critical state compatible bounding surface …
A comprehensive review of the nonlinear response of soil deposits and its implications in ground response analysis
Site response analysis evaluates the seismic response of soils to be further utilised in the
safe infrastructural design in seismic-prone areas. The conventional approach considers 30 …
safe infrastructural design in seismic-prone areas. The conventional approach considers 30 …
Modeling cyclic shearing of sands in the semifluidized state
Liquefaction is associated with the loss of mean effective stress and increase of the pore
water pressure in saturated granular materials due to their contractive tendency under cyclic …
water pressure in saturated granular materials due to their contractive tendency under cyclic …
Geotechnical aspects of offshore wind turbine dynamics from 3D non-linear soil-structure simulations
The development of the offshore wind industry is motivating substantial research efforts
worldwide, where offshore wind turbines (OWTs) of increasing size are being installed in …
worldwide, where offshore wind turbines (OWTs) of increasing size are being installed in …
Evaluation of variation of permeability in liquefiable soil under earthquake loading
Liquefaction phenomenon is usually accompanied by large amounts of settlement owing to
disruption of soil structure. In addition to that, large settlement also occurs by a significant …
disruption of soil structure. In addition to that, large settlement also occurs by a significant …
Finite element model for piles in liquefiable ground
This paper develops a three dimensional finite element modelling method for piles in
liquefiable ground and applies it to the analysis of seismic pile responses. A unified plasticity …
liquefiable ground and applies it to the analysis of seismic pile responses. A unified plasticity …