Controlling hydrogen environment and cooling during CVD graphene growth on nickel for improved corrosion resistance
Lack of uniformity and generation of defects including grain boundaries and wrinkles in
graphene coatings synthesized using chemical vapour deposition (CVD) adversely affect …
graphene coatings synthesized using chemical vapour deposition (CVD) adversely affect …
Enhanced interfacial properties of graphene oxide incorporated carbon fiber reinforced epoxy nanocomposite: a systematic thermal properties investigation
Abstracts In this study influence of the graphene oxide (GO) inclusion on the thermal
properties of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) hybrid composite is reported. Different …
properties of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) hybrid composite is reported. Different …
Influence of chemical aging on physico-chemical properties of mineral dust particles: A case study of 2016 dust storms over Delhi
The physico-chemical properties of dust particles collected During Dust Storm (DDS) and
After Dust Storm (ADS) events were studied using Scanning Electron Microscope coupled …
After Dust Storm (ADS) events were studied using Scanning Electron Microscope coupled …
Carbon nanomaterial-carbon fiber hybrid composite for lightweight structural composites in the aerospace industry: Synthesis, processing, and properties
AK Pathak, SR Dhakate - Advanced composites in aerospace engineering …, 2022 - Springer
Nowadays, nanomaterials have been used for improving the mechanical properties of
carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite due to their outstanding properties …
carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite due to their outstanding properties …
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth of graphene films
The large-scale production of graphene for electronic devices relies on catalytic chemical
vapor deposition (CVD). Despite many efforts put into the graphene CVD research, there are …
vapor deposition (CVD). Despite many efforts put into the graphene CVD research, there are …
Feasibility of polyethylene film as both supporting material for transfer and target substrate for flexible strain sensor of CVD graphene grown on Cu foil
S Cai, X Liu, J Huang, Z Liu - RSC advances, 2017 - pubs.rsc.org
Chemical vapour deposited graphene on Cu foil should be transferred to target dielectric
substrate before being used in various applications. This route often involves preparation of …
substrate before being used in various applications. This route often involves preparation of …
Relevance of graphene oxide as nanofiller for geometrical variation in unidirectional carbon fiber/epoxy composite
Curved geometry in unidirectional CFRP (UD‐CFRP) demands ideal shape optimization to
attain superior performance while maintaining the desired high strength to weight ratio …
attain superior performance while maintaining the desired high strength to weight ratio …
In situ cross‐linking capability of novel amine‐functionalized graphene with epoxy nanocomposites
In situ chemical linkage between nanofillers and polymer is challenging, but it is an effective
process for enhancing the mechanical and thermal properties of polymer nanocomposites …
process for enhancing the mechanical and thermal properties of polymer nanocomposites …
Hydrogen-Assisted Fast Growth of Large Graphene Grains by Recrystallization of Nanograins
Chemical vapor deposition has been highlighted as a promising tool for facile graphene
growth in a large area. However, grain boundaries impose detrimental effects on the …
growth in a large area. However, grain boundaries impose detrimental effects on the …
Industry: Synthesis, Processing, and Properties
AK Pathak, SR Dhakate - Advanced Composites in Aerospace …, 2022 - books.google.com
Carbon fiber-reinforced composites (CFRP) are composite structures where carbon fiber
(CF) acts as one of the primary reinforcements in a suitable polymer matrix. In the 1960s …
(CF) acts as one of the primary reinforcements in a suitable polymer matrix. In the 1960s …