Artificial intelligence and machine learning for quantum technologies
In recent years the dramatic progress in machine learning has begun to impact many areas
of science and technology significantly. In the present perspective article, we explore how …
of science and technology significantly. In the present perspective article, we explore how …
Machine learning and physics: A survey of integrated models
Predictive modeling of various systems around the world is extremely essential from the
physics and engineering perspectives. The recognition of different systems and the capacity …
physics and engineering perspectives. The recognition of different systems and the capacity …
Modern applications of machine learning in quantum sciences
In this book, we provide a comprehensive introduction to the most recent advances in the
application of machine learning methods in quantum sciences. We cover the use of deep …
application of machine learning methods in quantum sciences. We cover the use of deep …
Unsupervised machine learning of topological phase transitions from experimental data
Identifying phase transitions is one of the key challenges in quantum many-body physics.
Recently, machine learning methods have been shown to be an alternative way of localising …
Recently, machine learning methods have been shown to be an alternative way of localising …
Radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) approximation of Cauchy inverse problems of the Laplace equation
In this study, we introduce a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) algorithm. The
proposed architecture is employed to solve the inverse Cauchy problems of the Laplace …
proposed architecture is employed to solve the inverse Cauchy problems of the Laplace …
Replacing neural networks by optimal analytical predictors for the detection of phase transitions
Identifying phase transitions and classifying phases of matter is central to understanding the
properties and behavior of a broad range of material systems. In recent years, machine …
properties and behavior of a broad range of material systems. In recent years, machine …
Quantitative and interpretable order parameters for phase transitions from persistent homology
We apply modern methods in computational topology to the task of discovering and
characterizing phase transitions. As illustrations, we apply our method to four two …
characterizing phase transitions. As illustrations, we apply our method to four two …
Interpretable and unsupervised phase classification
Fully automated classification methods that provide direct physical insights into phase
diagrams are of current interest. Interpretable, ie, fully explainable, methods are desired for …
diagrams are of current interest. Interpretable, ie, fully explainable, methods are desired for …
DeepBHCP: Deep neural network algorithm for solving backward heat conduction problems
This paper extends a deep neural network method, a semi-supervised one, to solve
backward heat conduction problems which have been long-standing computational …
backward heat conduction problems which have been long-standing computational …
Entanglement-based feature extraction by tensor network machine learning
It is a hot topic how entanglement, a quantity from quantum information theory, can assist
machine learning. In this work, we implement numerical experiments to classify …
machine learning. In this work, we implement numerical experiments to classify …