A new hybrid MCDM framework for third-party logistics provider selection under sustainability perspectives
According to research, the Supply Chain Management (SCM) accounts for most of a
company's environmental effects. When goods are manufactured and transported …
company's environmental effects. When goods are manufactured and transported …
[HTML][HTML] Application of MCDM methods in sustainability engineering: A literature review 2008–2018
Sustainability is one of the main challenges of the recent decades. In this regard, several
prior studies have used different techniques and approaches for solving this problem in the …
prior studies have used different techniques and approaches for solving this problem in the …
Supplier selection in sustainable supply chains: Using the integrated BWM, fuzzy Shannon entropy, and fuzzy MULTIMOORA methods
Z Shang, X Yang, D Barnes, C Wu - Expert Systems with Applications, 2022 - Elsevier
With the increasing awareness of environmental protection and social responsibility,
sustainable supplier selection (SSS) has been receiving more and more attention. However …
sustainable supplier selection (SSS) has been receiving more and more attention. However …
Assessment of alternative railway systems for sustainable transportation using an integrated IRN SWARA and IRN CoCoSo model
The long-term sustainability of the railway transportation system is determined by a set of
criteria that must be considered. For this reason, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) …
criteria that must be considered. For this reason, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) …
A novel hybrid decision making approach for the strategic selection of wind energy projects
Wind energy projects provide clean energy so that they should be increased to reach the
sustainable development goals of the countries. However, current decision-making process …
sustainable development goals of the countries. However, current decision-making process …
A compromised decision-making approach to third-party logistics selection in sustainable supply chain using fuzzy AHP and fuzzy VIKOR methods
With the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the e-commerce trend is driving faster,
significantly impacting supply chains around the world. Thus, the importance of logistics and …
significantly impacting supply chains around the world. Thus, the importance of logistics and …
Fermatean fuzzy CRITIC-EDAS approach for the selection of sustainable third-party reverse logistics providers using improved generalized score function
In today's world, the demand for sustainable third-party reverse logistics providers
(S3PRLPs) becomes an increasingly considerable issue for industries seeking improved …
(S3PRLPs) becomes an increasingly considerable issue for industries seeking improved …
A systematic review of analytic hierarchy process applications to solve transportation problems: From 2003 to 2022
Transportation improvements affect technological and socio-economic development, and
several scholars have researched various transportation problems. The current study aims …
several scholars have researched various transportation problems. The current study aims …
Optimization models for supply chains under risk, uncertainty, and resilience: A state-of-the-art review and future research directions
The study of supply chain (SC) resilience as a research perspective is in an incipient state.
Nevertheless, there is a tremendous amount of literature concerning SCs under risk and …
Nevertheless, there is a tremendous amount of literature concerning SCs under risk and …
Sustainable third-party reverse logistics provider evaluation and selection using fuzzy SWARA and developed fuzzy COPRAS in the presence of risk criteria
Reverse logistics is the backward process of collecting and redistributing products at the end-
of-life from customers to producers and manufacturers for reuse, remanufacturing and …
of-life from customers to producers and manufacturers for reuse, remanufacturing and …