Patterns of circular transition: what is the circular economy maturity of Belgian ports?
Large seaport hubs in Northwestern Europe are aiming to develop as circular hotspots and
are striving to become first movers in the circular economy (CE) transition. In order to …
are striving to become first movers in the circular economy (CE) transition. In order to …
Making it concrete: Analysing the role of concrete plants' locations for circular city policy goals
KBJ Van den Berghe, TJ Verhagen - Frontiers in Built Environment, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Increasingly, space for remanufacturing is seen as the most valuable resource to achieve
circular economy (CE) policy goals, in particular for cities. However, in many cities, industrial …
circular economy (CE) policy goals, in particular for cities. However, in many cities, industrial …
When “port-out–city-in” becomes a strategy: is the port–city interface conflict in Amsterdam an observation or a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Within the majority of port city literature, the evolution of port cities is still explained as an
inevitable or 'logical'process whereby maritime land-uses gradually migrate from city centres …
inevitable or 'logical'process whereby maritime land-uses gradually migrate from city centres …
Friends with benefits: the emergence of the Amsterdam–Rotterdam–Antwerp (ARA) polycentric port region
This paper enacts a dialogue between planning literature on polycentric urban regions
(PUR) and port geography literature on multi-port gateways. The main proposition is that …
(PUR) and port geography literature on multi-port gateways. The main proposition is that …
[PDF][PDF] Towards a comparative spatial analysis for port city regions based on historical geo-spatial map**
Researchers from multiple disciplines study ports and port cities using various forms of
visualization. To better understand port cities' challenges and opportunities, some use …
visualization. To better understand port cities' challenges and opportunities, some use …
From planning the port/city to planning the port-city: exploring the economic interface in European port cities
In last three decades, planning agencies of most ports have institutionally evolved into a
(semi-) independent port authority. The rationale behind this process is that port authorities …
(semi-) independent port authority. The rationale behind this process is that port authorities …
[HTML][HTML] When a fire starts to burn. The relation between an (inter) nationally oriented incinerator capacity and the port cities' local circular ambitions
This paper assesses the potential of the circular economy (CE) policy ambitions of the port
cities of Ghent (Belgium) and Amsterdam (The Netherlands). Both Ghent and Amsterdam …
cities of Ghent (Belgium) and Amsterdam (The Netherlands). Both Ghent and Amsterdam …
A multi-stakeholder and interdisciplinary approach to waste management and circular economy: The case of Flanders and Ghent, Belgium
A Acke, SE Taelman, J Dewulf - 2020 - ceeol.com
In 2016, the Flemish Government adopted the transversal policy paper “Vision 2050, a long
term strategy for Flanders”. It has set the ambition for Flanders for 2050 and has paved the …
term strategy for Flanders”. It has set the ambition for Flanders for 2050 and has paved the …
Tangible and intangible boundaries: The Case of Baoshan port-city interface in Shanghai
Y Zhang, PM Ache - Urban Planning, 2021 - ssoar.info
Instead of stressing that port cities are characterised by institutional fragmentations with
many resulting conflicts, we claim that port cities might be highly constructive in terms of …
many resulting conflicts, we claim that port cities might be highly constructive in terms of …
[PDF][PDF] FABRIX Theoretical and conceptual frameworks
KBJ Van den Berghe, MM Rezikalla, M Lavanga, Y Kim… - 2024 - repository.tudelft.nl
This deliverable is the outcome of Task 1.1, Theoretical and Conceptual Framework, within
the FABRIX project's Work Package 1, Theory and Methodology. The document lays out a …
the FABRIX project's Work Package 1, Theory and Methodology. The document lays out a …