Patterns of circular transition: what is the circular economy maturity of Belgian ports?

E Haezendonck, K Van den Berghe - Sustainability, 2020 -
Large seaport hubs in Northwestern Europe are aiming to develop as circular hotspots and
are striving to become first movers in the circular economy (CE) transition. In order to …

Making it concrete: Analysing the role of concrete plants' locations for circular city policy goals

KBJ Van den Berghe, TJ Verhagen - Frontiers in Built Environment, 2021 -
Increasingly, space for remanufacturing is seen as the most valuable resource to achieve
circular economy (CE) policy goals, in particular for cities. However, in many cities, industrial …

When “port-out–city-in” becomes a strategy: is the port–city interface conflict in Amsterdam an observation or a self-fulfilling prophecy?

K Van den Berghe, E Louw, F Pliakis… - Maritime Economics & …, 2023 - Springer
Within the majority of port city literature, the evolution of port cities is still explained as an
inevitable or 'logical'process whereby maritime land-uses gradually migrate from city centres …

Friends with benefits: the emergence of the Amsterdam–Rotterdam–Antwerp (ARA) polycentric port region

K Van den Berghe, A Peris, E Meijers… - Territory, Politics …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This paper enacts a dialogue between planning literature on polycentric urban regions
(PUR) and port geography literature on multi-port gateways. The main proposition is that …

[PDF][PDF] Towards a comparative spatial analysis for port city regions based on historical geo-spatial map**

C Hein, Y Van Mil - PORTUSplus, 2019 -
Researchers from multiple disciplines study ports and port cities using various forms of
visualization. To better understand port cities' challenges and opportunities, some use …

From planning the port/city to planning the port-city: exploring the economic interface in European port cities

KBJ Van den Berghe, TA Daamen - European Port Cities in Transition …, 2020 - Springer
In last three decades, planning agencies of most ports have institutionally evolved into a
(semi-) independent port authority. The rationale behind this process is that port authorities …

[HTML][HTML] When a fire starts to burn. The relation between an (inter) nationally oriented incinerator capacity and the port cities' local circular ambitions

K Van den Berghe, F Bucci Ancapi, E van Bueren - Sustainability, 2020 -
This paper assesses the potential of the circular economy (CE) policy ambitions of the port
cities of Ghent (Belgium) and Amsterdam (The Netherlands). Both Ghent and Amsterdam …

A multi-stakeholder and interdisciplinary approach to waste management and circular economy: The case of Flanders and Ghent, Belgium

A Acke, SE Taelman, J Dewulf - 2020 -
In 2016, the Flemish Government adopted the transversal policy paper “Vision 2050, a long
term strategy for Flanders”. It has set the ambition for Flanders for 2050 and has paved the …

Tangible and intangible boundaries: The Case of Baoshan port-city interface in Shanghai

Y Zhang, PM Ache - Urban Planning, 2021 -
Instead of stressing that port cities are characterised by institutional fragmentations with
many resulting conflicts, we claim that port cities might be highly constructive in terms of …

[PDF][PDF] FABRIX Theoretical and conceptual frameworks

KBJ Van den Berghe, MM Rezikalla, M Lavanga, Y Kim… - 2024 -
This deliverable is the outcome of Task 1.1, Theoretical and Conceptual Framework, within
the FABRIX project's Work Package 1, Theory and Methodology. The document lays out a …