Spider conservation in Europe: a review
Despite their ecological importance and diversity, spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) are
underrepresented in conservation policies in comparison to other groups. We review all …
underrepresented in conservation policies in comparison to other groups. We review all …
Contrasted propensity for waterborne and airborne dispersal between two closely related semi‐aquatic spider species
Dispersal abilities are important to support metapopulation functioning and species
distributions, yet it is rarely accounted for in conservation. Here, we compared the propensity …
distributions, yet it is rarely accounted for in conservation. Here, we compared the propensity …
Trends in habitat suitability and conservation status of aquatic spiders in Europe
Wetlands, one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the world, are increasingly subjected to
area loss and degradation due to land-use and climate changes. These factors impact their …
area loss and degradation due to land-use and climate changes. These factors impact their …
After the flood: A multidisciplinary investigation of human remains found in a floodplain and first record of raft spiders colonizing a corpse
PA Magni, EE Guareschi - … of Clinical and …, 2021 - researchportal.murdoch.edu.au
In the analysis of any forensic case, the estimation of time, cause and manner of death is
affected by post-mortem changes. These are inextricably linked to both intrinsic …
affected by post-mortem changes. These are inextricably linked to both intrinsic …
О внесении вида Dolomedes plantarius (Clerck, 1757)(Aranei: Pisauridae) в Красную книгу Чувашской Республики
НВ Борисова - Научные труды Государственного природного …, 2018 - elibrary.ru
Большой сплавной паук-Dolomedes plantarius (Clerck, 1757)-редок как в европейских
странах, так и в России. Приводятся данные о пяти новых находках вида в Чувашской …
странах, так и в России. Приводятся данные о пяти новых находках вида в Чувашской …
The presence of Dolomedes plantarius (Clerck, 1757)(Araneae: Pisauridae) in the Ebro Delta extends its distribution in the Iberian Peninsula southwards
O Belmar, D Mateu, D Boix, J Sala - Limnetica, 2022 - repositori.irta.cat
The presence of Dolomedes plantarius (Clerck, 1757)(Araneae: Pisauridae) in the Ebro
Delta extends its distribution in the Iberian Peninsula southwards. The rare Dolomedes …
Delta extends its distribution in the Iberian Peninsula southwards. The rare Dolomedes …