Impact of supervisory behavior on sustainable employee performance: Mediation of conflict management strategies using PLS-SEM

J Min, S Iqbal, MAS Khan, S Akhtar, F Anwar, SA Qalati - PloS one, 2020 -
This study investigates the relationship between supervisory behavior, conflict management
strategies, and sustainable employee performance and inquires the mediating effect of …

Organizational justice, supervisor-provided resources and duty orientation: lessons from the mining sector

A Ansong, RI Gnankob, IO Agyemang… - European Journal of …, 2024 -
Purpose The study analysed the influence of organizational justice on the duty orientation of
employees in the mining sector of Ghana. Also, it examined the mediating role of supervisor …

The Effect of Training and Development, Supervisor Support, and Compensation on Employee Retention during COVID-19 Pandemic on Nurses of X Hospital in …

EC Ginting, YFCP Meilani - Budapest International Research and …, 2022 -
Employee retention is a fundamental thing in the success of a company or organization,
including hospitals. This study aims to determine the effect of training and development …

Does Family-supportive Supervisor Behaviour Affect Organisational Commitment? The Effect of Geographical Factors in the Resort Sector of the Maldives

A Azdha, M Jusoh, J Tham - South Asian Journal of Human …, 2024 -
This study intends to explore the effect of family-supportive supervisor behaviour on
organisational commitment and to analyse the effect of geographical factors (Frequency of …

[KÖNYV][B] Commitment profiles of Federal Government employees who telework: A qualitative study

AG Cieniewicz - 2023 -
Organizational commitment is a crucial component of organizational success. In the past,
telework has negatively been linked to organizational commitment because organizational …

The relationships among supervisor support, affective commitment, and altruistic behavior

ZU Özkara, A Taş, B Aydıntan - İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2022 -
Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to research the mediating effect of “employees'
affective commitment to the organization” in the relationship between “perceived supervisor …

Empirically Investigating the Moderating Impact of Special Peer Support on the Relationship of Management Support and Employee Work Attitude

A Ahmad, H Bilal, P Bibi, J Hassain - Review of Education …, 2020 -
This study aim was to examine the moderating impact of Special Peer Support (SPS) on the
relationship of Management Support (MS) and an important employee work attitude called …

Algılanan yönetici ve çalışma arkadaşları desteğinin örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışına etkisi

Y Tenteriz - 2020 -
Bu çalışmanın amacı, algılanan yönetici ve çalışma arkadaşları desteğinin örgütsel
vatandaşlık davranışına etkisini belirlemektir. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya …

[KÖNYV][B] The Impact of Self-efficacy for Voice Behavior, Supervisor Responsiveness and Quality Leader-member Exchange on Employee Organizational …

E De la Rosa - 2019 -
This study examines the relationship between followers reported self-efficacy for voice
behavior, perceived supervisor responsiveness to the voice behavior and quality of leader …

[PDF][PDF] Effects of Perceived Psychological Contract Breach on Organizational Commitment of Public Universities Academic Staff in Tanzania

CA Matoka - 2020 -
The study sought to determine the effects of perceived psychological contract breach on
organizational commitment of public universities' academic staff in Tanzania. The specific …