An integrative framework for understanding the mechanisms and multigenerational consequences of transgenerational plasticity

AM Bell, JK Hellmann - Annual review of ecology, evolution, and …, 2019 -
Transgenerational plasticity (TGP) occurs when the environment experienced by a parent
influences the development of their offspring. In this article, we develop a framework for …

Can environmental conditions experienced in early life influence future generations?

T Burton, NB Metcalfe - … of the Royal Society B: Biological …, 2014 -
The consequences of early developmental conditions for performance in later life are now
subjected to convergent interest from many different biological sub-disciplines. However …

Early environment influences later performance in fishes

B Jonsson, N Jonsson - Journal of Fish Biology, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Conditions fish encounter during embryogenesis and early life history can leave lasting
effects not only on morphology, but also on growth rate, life‐history and behavioural traits …

Adaptive explanations for sensitive windows in development

TW Fawcett, WE Frankenhuis - Frontiers in Zoology, 2015 - Springer
Abstract Development in many organisms appears to show evidence of sensitive windows—
periods or stages in ontogeny in which individual experience has a particularly strong …

Transgenerational plasticity in human-altered environments

SC Donelan, JK Hellmann, AM Bell, B Luttbeg… - Trends in Ecology & …, 2020 -
Our ability to predict how species will respond to human-induced rapid environmental
change (HIREC) may depend upon our understanding of transgenerational plasticity (TGP) …

Female sticklebacks transfer information via eggs: effects of maternal experience with predators on offspring

ER Giesing, CD Suski… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 -
There is growing evidence that maternal experience influences offspring via non-genetic
mechanisms. When female three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) were …

Environmental change enhances cognitive abilities in fish

A Kotrschal, B Taborsky - PLoS biology, 2010 -
Flexible or innovative behavior is advantageous, especially when animals are exposed to
frequent and unpredictable environmental perturbations. Improved cognitive abilities can …

Intergenerational effects of early adversity on survival in wild baboons

MN Zipple, EA Archie, J Tung, J Altmann, SC Alberts - Elife, 2019 -
Early life adversity can affect an individual's health, survival, and fertility for many years after
the adverse experience. Whether early life adversity also imposes intergenerational effects …

Why and how the early-life environment affects development of co** behaviours

MR Langenhof, J Komdeur - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2018 - Springer
Understanding the ways in which individuals cope with threats, respond to challenges, make
use of opportunities and mediate the harmful effects of their surroundings is important for …

Developmental plasticity: preparing for life in a complex world

B Taborsky - Advances in the Study of Behavior, 2017 - Elsevier
Phenotypic plasticity plays a key role for the ability of organisms to survive in heterogeneous
environments. The benefits of plasticity ensue from the ability to produce a phenotype …