How reliable are climate models?
J Raäisaänen - Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
How much can we trust model-based projections of future anthropogenic climate change?
This review attempts to give an overview of this important but difficult topic by using three …
This review attempts to give an overview of this important but difficult topic by using three …
[PDF][PDF] A description of the advanced research WRF model version 4
The Advanced Research WRF (ARW) model is a configuration of the Weather Research and
Forecasting (WRF) model. This technical note describes the scientific and algorithmic …
Forecasting (WRF) model. This technical note describes the scientific and algorithmic …
Recent advances in the understanding of near-cloud turbulence
TP Lane, RD Sharman, SB Trier… - Bulletin of the …, 2012 -
Anyone who has flown in a commercial aircraft is familiar with turbulence. Unexpected
encounters with turbulence pose a safety risk to airline passengers and crew, can …
encounters with turbulence pose a safety risk to airline passengers and crew, can …
[PDF][PDF] A description of the advanced research WRF version 3
WC Skamarock, JB Klemp… - NCAR …, 2008 -
The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model is an atmospheric modeling system
designed for both research and numerical weather prediction. WRF is an open-source …
designed for both research and numerical weather prediction. WRF is an open-source …
A new vertical diffusion package with an explicit treatment of entrainment processes
This paper proposes a revised vertical diffusion package with a nonlocal turbulent mixing
coefficient in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Based on the study of Noh et al. and …
coefficient in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Based on the study of Noh et al. and …
A combined local and nonlocal closure model for the atmospheric boundary layer. Part I: Model description and testing
JE Pleim - Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2007 -
The modeling of the atmospheric boundary layer during convective conditions has long
been a major source of uncertainty in the numerical modeling of meteorological conditions …
been a major source of uncertainty in the numerical modeling of meteorological conditions …
Evaluation of three planetary boundary layer schemes in the WRF model
Accurate depiction of meteorological conditions, especially within the planetary boundary
layer (PBL), is important for air pollution modeling, and PBL parameterization schemes play …
layer (PBL), is important for air pollution modeling, and PBL parameterization schemes play …
Representation of the subgrid-scale turbulent transport in convective boundary layers at gray-zone resolutions
Parameterization of the unresolved vertical transport in the planetary boundary layer (PBL)
is one of the key physics algorithms in atmospheric models. This study attempts to represent …
is one of the key physics algorithms in atmospheric models. This study attempts to represent …
A sensitivity study of the WRF model in wind simulation for an area of high wind energy
The performance of the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model in wind simulation
was evaluated under different numerical and physical options for an area of Portugal …
was evaluated under different numerical and physical options for an area of Portugal …
Prediction of landfalling hurricanes with the advanced hurricane WRF model
Real-time forecasts of five landfalling Atlantic hurricanes during 2005 using the Advanced
Research Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)(ARW) Model at grid spacings of 12 …
Research Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)(ARW) Model at grid spacings of 12 …