Super atomic clusters: design rules and potential for building blocks of materials

P Jena, Q Sun - Chemical reviews, 2018 - ACS Publications
Atomic clusters, consisting of a few to a few thousand atoms, have emerged over the past 40
years as the ultimate nanoparticles, whose structure and properties can be controlled one …

Superatoms in materials science

EA Doud, A Voevodin, TJ Hochuli… - Nature Reviews …, 2020 -
Clusters are ensembles of bound atoms intermediate in size between a molecule and a bulk
solid. Some of these clusters form stable units with atomically precise structures that give …

Near-infrared phosphorescence: materials and applications

H **ang, J Cheng, X Ma, X Zhou… - Chemical Society Reviews, 2013 -
Room-temperature phosphorescent materials that emit light in the visible (red, green, and
blue; from 400 to 700 nm) have been a major focus of research and development during the …

Polyoxometalate, cationic cluster, and γ-cyclodextrin: from primary interactions to supramolecular hybrid materials

MA Moussawi, N Leclerc-Laronze… - Journal of the …, 2017 - ACS Publications
Herein, we report on a three-component supramolecular hybrid system built from specific
recognition processes involving a Dawson-type polyoxometalate (POM),[P2W18O62] 6–, a …

Functionalization of oxide-free silicon surfaces with redox-active assemblies

B Fabre - Chemical Reviews, 2016 - ACS Publications
This review provides a comprehensive survey of the derivatization of hydrogen-terminated,
oxide-free silicon surfaces with electroactive assemblies (from molecules to polymers) …

Rhenium chemistry–then and now

JR Dilworth - Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2021 - Elsevier
The first section provides a background to the whole review. The second presents a
historical perspective of fundamental developments in rhenium chemistry from its discovery …

Spectroscopic and photophysical properties of hexanuclear rhenium (III) chalcogenide clusters

TG Gray, CM Rudzinski, EE Meyer… - Journal of the …, 2003 - ACS Publications
The electronic, vibrational, and excited-state properties of hexanuclear rhenium (III)
chalcogenide clusters based on the [Re6 (μ3-Q) 8] 2+(Q= S, Se) core have been …

[BOK][B] Anorganische strukturchemie

U Müller - 2006 - Springer
Angesichts des immer mehr anwachsenden Kenntnisstands auf allen
naturwissenschaftlichen Gebieten erscheint es unumgänglich, die Wissensvermittlung auf …

Functional ligands and complexes for new structures, homogeneous catalysts and nanomaterials

P Braunstein - Journal of organometallic chemistry, 2004 - Elsevier
In this account, we focus on results from our laboratory to illustrate recent developments in
various fields of organometallic chemistry. Studies on hemilabile P, N donor ligands and on …

Heavy chalcogenide-transition metal clusters as coordination polymer nodes

J **e, L Wang, JS Anderson - Chemical Science, 2020 -
While metal–oxygen clusters are widely used as secondary building units in the construction
of coordination polymers or metal–organic frameworks, multimetallic nodes with heavier …