Investigating architecture description languages (adls) a systematic literature review

S Hussain - 2013 -
Objectives: The main aim of this study is to investigate evaluation of ADLs in academia
andindustry. To explore the benefits and drawbacks of ADLs in practice. The study also …

A model-driven approach to performability analysis of dynamically reconfigurable component-based systems

V Grassi, R Mirandola, A Sabetta - … of the 6th international workshop on …, 2007 -
Dynamic reconfiguration techniques appear promising to build component-based (CB)
systems for application domains that have strong adaptability requirements, like the mobile …

[PDF][PDF] PAT approach to Architecture Behavioural Verification.

N Chondamrongkul, J Sun, I Warren - SEKE, 2019 -
Software architecture design plays a vital role in software development, as it gives an
overview of how the software system should be constructed and executed at runtime. The …

Metamodelo para integración de datos abiertos aplicado a inteligencia de negocios

LA Rodríguez Rojas - 2017 -
El sector público, en el cumplimiento de sus funciones, genera, gestiona, sufraga y
conserva una gran cantidad de información de calidad. Dicha información es …

On the equivalence between reference architectures and metamodels

VV Graciano Neto, L Garces, M Guessi… - Proceedings of the 1st …, 2015 -
Reference Architectures (RA) are a special class of software architectures which comprises
a family of concrete architectures. On the other hand, Model-Driven Development (MDD) has …

Enhanced graph rewriting systems for complex software domains: Dynamic software architecture, non-functional requirements, and correctness by construction

C Eichler, T Monteil, P Stolf, LA Grieco… - Software & Systems …, 2016 - Springer
Methodologies for correct by construction reconfigurations can efficiently solve consistency
issues in dynamic software architecture. Graph-based models are appropriate for designing …

URDAD as a semi-formal approach to analysis and design

F Solms, D Loubser - Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 2010 - Springer
Abstract The Use Case, Responsibility Driven Analysis and Design (URDAD) methodology
is a methodology for technology neutral design generating the Platform Independent Model …

A process algebra software engineering environment

B Diertens - arxiv preprint arxiv:0806.2730, 2008 -
In previous work we described how the process algebra based language PSF can be used
in software engineering, using the ToolBus, a coordination architecture also based on …

A model transformation approach for multiscale modeling of software architectures applied to smart cities

I Khlif, M Hadj Kacem, C Eichler, K Drira… - Concurrency and …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Modeling and specifying correct software systems is a challenging task that can be
supported by providing appropriate modeling abstractions. This article proposes an …

P/s-com: Building correct by design publish/subscribe architectural styles with safe reconfiguration

I Loulou, M Jmaiel, K Drira, AH Kacem - Journal of Systems and Software, 2010 - Elsevier
We present P/S-CoM, a formal approach supporting the correct modeling of
Publish/Subscribe architectural styles and safe reconfiguration of dynamic architectures for …