[HTML][HTML] Health economics of diabetic foot ulcer and recent trends to accelerate treatment
Diabetic foot ulcer is a preventable complication of diabetes that imposes a significant
burden on the community. It leads to amputation and increased disability if left untreated and …
burden on the community. It leads to amputation and increased disability if left untreated and …
Current challenges and opportunities in the prevention and management of diabetic foot ulcers
Diabetic foot ulcers remain a major health care problem. They are common, result in
considerable suffering, frequently recur, and are associated with high mortality, as well as …
considerable suffering, frequently recur, and are associated with high mortality, as well as …
Five year mortality and direct costs of care for people with diabetic foot complications are comparable to cancer
Background In 2007, we reported a summary of data comparing diabetic foot complications
to cancer. The purpose of this brief report was to refresh this with the best available data as …
to cancer. The purpose of this brief report was to refresh this with the best available data as …
Global and regional estimates and projections of diabetes-related health expenditure: Results from the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas
Aims Diabetes and its complications have a significant economic impact on individuals and
their families, health systems and national economies. Methods The direct health …
their families, health systems and national economies. Methods The direct health …
Implementing TIMERS: the race against hard-to-heal wounds
There may be significant deficiencies in the knowledge among nurses, 38–40 an issue
recognised by many. 41 A survey of community nurses in Ireland found that more than half …
recognised by many. 41 A survey of community nurses in Ireland found that more than half …
Diabetes in sub-Saharan Africa: from clinical care to health policy
Executive summary Rapid demographic, sociocultural, and economic transitions are driving
increases in the risk and prevalence of diabetes and other non-communicable diseases …
increases in the risk and prevalence of diabetes and other non-communicable diseases …
Diabetes mellitus and its complications in India
India is one of the epicentres of the global diabetes mellitus pandemic. Rapid
socioeconomic development and demographic changes, along with increased susceptibility …
socioeconomic development and demographic changes, along with increased susceptibility …
The 2015 IWGDF guidance documents on prevention and management of foot problems in diabetes: development of an evidence‐based global consensus
Foot problems complicating diabetes are a source of major patient suffering and societal
costs. Investing in evidence‐based, internationally appropriate diabetic foot care guidance is …
costs. Investing in evidence‐based, internationally appropriate diabetic foot care guidance is …
[PDF][PDF] Disease control priorities in develo** countries
This working paper provides more detailed information on the search strategy and results
obtained from the systematic review of the cost and cost-effectiveness of cancer covered in …
obtained from the systematic review of the cost and cost-effectiveness of cancer covered in …
Dfunet: Convolutional neural networks for diabetic foot ulcer classification
Globally, in 2016, 1 out of 11 adults suffered from diabetes mellitus. Diabetic foot ulcers
(DFU) are a major complication of this disease, which if not managed properly can lead to …
(DFU) are a major complication of this disease, which if not managed properly can lead to …