AUTOSCALER for C: An optimizing floating-point to integer C program converter for fixed-point digital signal processors
A translator which converts C-based floating-point digital signal processing programs to
optimized integer C versions is developed for convenient programming and efficient use of …
optimized integer C versions is developed for convenient programming and efficient use of …
[PDF][PDF] Fixed-point representation & fractional math
EL Oberstar - Oberstar Consulting, 2007 - researchgate.net
In a majority of the commercially available processors on the market today there is no
hardware support for floating-point arithmetic due to the cost the extra silicon imposes on a …
hardware support for floating-point arithmetic due to the cost the extra silicon imposes on a …
Safety analysis of integrated adaptive cruise and lane kee** control using multi-modal port-Hamiltonian systems
S Dai, X Koutsoukos - Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2020 - Elsevier
A modern vehicle can be viewed as a complex cyber–physical system (CPS) where the
vehicle dynamics interact with the software control systems. Adaptive cruise control (ACC) …
vehicle dynamics interact with the software control systems. Adaptive cruise control (ACC) …
Compile-time and instruction-set methods for improving floating-to fixed-point conversion accuracy
This paper proposes and evaluates compile time and instruction-set techniques for
improving the accuracy of signal-processing algorithms run on fixed-point embedded …
improving the accuracy of signal-processing algorithms run on fixed-point embedded …
[PDF][PDF] Design of high performance fpga based face recognition system
A number of defense, security and commercial applications demand real time face
recognition systems, especially when other biometric techniques are not feasible. Eigen …
recognition systems, especially when other biometric techniques are not feasible. Eigen …
A floating-point to integer C converter with shift reduction for fixed-point digital signal processors
A floating-point to integer C program translator is developed for convenient programming
and efficient use of fixed-point programmable digital signal processors (DSPs). It not only …
and efficient use of fixed-point programmable digital signal processors (DSPs). It not only …
[PDF][PDF] Embedded ISA support for enhanced floating-point to fixed-point ANSI-C compilation
Recently tools for automating the translation of floatingpoint signal-processing applications
written in ANSI C into fixed-point have been presented [36, 19, 8]. This paper introduces a …
written in ANSI C into fixed-point have been presented [36, 19, 8]. This paper introduces a …
[KNYGA][B] Automating transformations from floating-point to fixed-point for implementing digital signal processing algorithms
K Han - 2006 - search.proquest.com
Many digital signal processing and communication algorithms are first simulated using
floating-point arithmetic and later transformed into fixed-point arithmetic to reduce …
floating-point arithmetic and later transformed into fixed-point arithmetic to reduce …
Méthodologie de compilation d'algorithmes de traitement du signal pour les processeurs en virgule fixe sous contrainte de précision
D Ménard - 2002 - theses.hal.science
L'implantation efficace des algorithmes de traitement numérique du signal (TNS) dans les
systèmes embarqués requiert l'utilisation de l'arithmétique virgule fixe afin de satisfaire les …
systèmes embarqués requiert l'utilisation de l'arithmétique virgule fixe afin de satisfaire les …
[PDF][PDF] Numerical error minimizing floating-point to fixed-point ANSI C compilation
This paper presents an ANSI C floating-point to fixed-point conversion capability currently
being integrated within an application specific processor architecture/compiler co …
being integrated within an application specific processor architecture/compiler co …