Evaluating the effectiveness of CHIRPS data for hydroclimatic studies

H Du, ML Tan, F Zhang, KP Chun, L Li… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2024 - Springer
Long-term gridded precipitation products (GPPs) are crucial for climatology and hydrological
research to overcome the limitations of gauge observations. Climate Hazards Group …

Remote sensed and/or global datasets for distributed hydrological modelling: A review

MH Ali, I Popescu, A Jonoski, DP Solomatine - Remote Sensing, 2023 - mdpi.com
This research paper presents a systematic literature review on the use of remotely sensed
and/or global datasets in distributed hydrological modelling. The study aims to investigate …

[HTML][HTML] Accuracy of satellite and reanalysis rainfall estimates over Africa: a multi-scale assessment of eight products for continental applications

K Mekonnen, NM Velpuri, M Leh, K Akpoti… - Journal of Hydrology …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Study Region Continental Africa Study Focus This study evaluates the accuracy of
eight gauge-corrected rainfall products across Africa through direct comparisons with in situ …

[HTML][HTML] Potential of satellite and reanalysis evaporation datasets for hydrological modelling under various model calibration strategies

M Dembélé, N Ceperley, SJ Zwart, E Salvadore… - Advances in Water …, 2020 - Elsevier
Twelve actual evaporation datasets are evaluated for their ability to improve the
performance of the fully distributed mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM). The datasets …

Application of VIC-WUR model for assessing the spatiotemporal distribution of water availability in anthropogenically-impacted basins

HY Sohi, B Zahraie, N Dolatabadi, F Zebarjadian - Journal of Hydrology, 2024 - Elsevier
Climate change, rapid increase in population, and urbanization have given rise to over-
exploitation and shortage of freshwater resources. Acquiring accurate representations of …

High resolution satellite products improve hydrological modeling in northern Italy

L Alfieri, F Avanzi, F Delogu, S Gabellani… - Hydrology and Earth …, 2021 - hess.copernicus.org
Satellite Earth observations (EO) are an accurate and reliable data source for atmospheric
and environmental science. Their increasing spatial and temporal resolution, as well as the …

Trends, sensitivity and estimation of daily reference evapotranspiration ET0 using limited climate data: regional focus on Burkina Faso in the West African Sahel

R Yonaba, F Tazen, M Cissé, LA Mounirou… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2023 - Springer
The precise estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is critical for water planning in
agriculture. However, with the scarcity of data in develo** countries, the use of the …

[HTML][HTML] Future climate or land use? Attribution of changes in surface runoff in a typical Sahelian landscape

R Yonaba, LA Mounirou… - Comptes …, 2023 - comptes-rendus.academie-sciences …
In this study, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model is used to assess changes
in surface runoff between the baseline (1995–2014) and future (2031–2050) periods in the …

[HTML][HTML] Impacts of climate and environmental changes on water resources: A multi-scale study based on Nakanbé nested watersheds in West African Sahel

YP Gbohoui, JE Paturel, F Tazen, LA Mounirou… - Journal of Hydrology …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Study region Nakanbé River watershed in the West Africa Sahel (WAS). Study focus
This study aims to better understand the hydrological behavior of WAS watersheds, which …

[HTML][HTML] Uncertainty of gridded precipitation and temperature reference datasets in climate change impact studies

M Tarek, F Brissette, R Arsenault - Hydrology and Earth System …, 2021 - hess.copernicus.org
Climate change impact studies require a reference climatological dataset providing a
baseline period to assess future changes and post-process climate model biases. High …