[HTML][HTML] A meta-analytical review of empirical mobile usability studies

CK Coursaris, DJ Kim - Journal of usability studies, 2011 - uxpajournal.org
In this paper we present an adapted usability evaluation framework to the context of a
mobile computing environment. Using this framework, we conducted a qualitative meta …

A qualitative review of empirical mobile usability studies

C Coursaris, D Kim - AMCIS 2006 proceedings, 2006 - aisel.aisnet.org
The turn of this century marked an increased focus on mobile usability studies for research
in the field of Human Computer Interaction. Such studies offer practitioners the needed …

Design aesthetics leading to m-loyalty in mobile commerce

D Cyr, M Head, A Ivanov - Information & management, 2006 - Elsevier
Researchers have previously examined the technology acceptance model (TAM) in many
contexts, including the Internet. More recently TAM has been enhanced to include a hedonic …

Mobile marketing: A synthesis and prognosis

V Shankar, S Balasubramanian - Journal of interactive …, 2009 - journals.sagepub.com
Mobile marketing refers to the two-or multi-way communication and promotion of an offer
between a firm and its customers using a mobile medium, device, or technology. We present …

Challenges, methodologies, and issues in the usability testing of mobile applications

D Zhang, B Adipat - International journal of human-computer …, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
Usability testing of software applications developed for mobile devices is an emerging
research area that faces a variety of challenges due to unique features of mobile devices …

Value creation in mobile commerce: Findings from a consumer survey

B Anckar, D D'incau - Journal of Information Technology Theory and …, 2002 - aisel.aisnet.org
Although little is known about consumers' attitudes towards wireless marketing channels,
many organizations are today making considerable investments to take advantage of the …

Do size and structure matter to mobile users? An empirical study of the effects of screen size, information structure, and task complexity on user activities with standard …

M Chae, J Kim - Behaviour & information technology, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
The small screens of mobile Internet devices, combined with the increasing complexity of
mobile tasks, create a serious obstacle to usability in the mobile Internet. One way to …

[PDF][PDF] Guidelines for handheld mobile device interface design

J Gong, P Tarasewich - Proceedings of DSI 2004 Annual Meeting, 2004 - Citeseer
While there has been much successful work in develo** rules to guide the design and
implementation of interfaces for desktop machines and their applications, the design of …

Moderating effects of task type on wireless technology acceptance

X Fang, S Chan, J Brzezinski, S Xu - Journal of management …, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
The technology acceptance model (TAM) is one of the most widely used models of
information technology (IT) adoption. According to TAM, IT adoption is influenced by two …

Usabilidad en aplicaciones móviles

JG Enriquez, SI Casas - Informes científicos técnicos …, 2013 - publicaciones.unpa.edu.ar
La usabilidad es considerada uno de los factores más importantes dentro de la calidad de
un producto de software. Debido a esto es de interés poder contar con metodologías para …