Submesoscale currents in the ocean
JC McWilliams - Proceedings of the Royal Society A …, 2016 - royalsocietypublishing.org
This article is a perspective on the recently discovered realm of submesoscale currents in
the ocean. They are intermediate-scale flow structures in the form of density fronts and …
the ocean. They are intermediate-scale flow structures in the form of density fronts and …
Remote sensing and its applications using GNSS reflected signals: Advances and prospects
S **, A Camps, Y Jia, F Wang, M Martin-Neira… - Satellite …, 2024 - Springer
Abstract The Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), including the US's GPS, China's
BDS, the European Union's Galileo, and Russia's GLONASS, offer real-time, all-weather …
BDS, the European Union's Galileo, and Russia's GLONASS, offer real-time, all-weather …
The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies
Satellite remote sensing has provided major advances in understanding the climate system
and its changes, by quantifying processes and spatio-temporal states of the atmosphere …
and its changes, by quantifying processes and spatio-temporal states of the atmosphere …
Seasonality in transition scale from balanced to unbalanced motions in the world ocean
The transition scale L t from balanced geostrophic motions to unbalanced wave motions,
including near-inertial flows, internal tides, and inertia–gravity wave continuum, is explored …
including near-inertial flows, internal tides, and inertia–gravity wave continuum, is explored …
On the transition from profile altimeter to swath altimeter for observing global ocean surface topography
LL Fu, C Ubelmann - Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic …, 2014 - journals.ametsoc.org
Conventional radar altimeter makes measurement of sea surface height (SSH) in one-
dimensional profiles along the ground tracks of a satellite. Such profiles are combined via …
dimensional profiles along the ground tracks of a satellite. Such profiles are combined via …
A daily global mesoscale ocean eddy dataset from satellite altimetry
Mesoscale ocean eddies are ubiquitous coherent rotating structures of water with radial
scales on the order of 100 kilometers. Eddies play a key role in the transport and mixing of …
scales on the order of 100 kilometers. Eddies play a key role in the transport and mixing of …
Ocean eddy detection based on YOLO deep learning algorithm by synthetic aperture radar data
N Zi, XM Li, M Gade, H Fu, S Min - Remote Sensing of Environment, 2024 - Elsevier
Ocean eddies play a crucial role in the global energy cycle and significantly impact the
transport of heat, salt, and nutrients in the global ocean. Spaceborne synthetic aperture …
transport of heat, salt, and nutrients in the global ocean. Spaceborne synthetic aperture …
Seasonal mesoscale and submesoscale eddy variability along the North Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent
Located at the center of the western North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, the Subtropical
Countercurrent (STCC) is not only abundant in mesoscale eddies, but also exhibits …
Countercurrent (STCC) is not only abundant in mesoscale eddies, but also exhibits …
Spectral-clustering approach to Lagrangian vortex detection
A Hadjighasem, D Karrasch, H Teramoto, G Haller - Physical Review E, 2016 - APS
One of the ubiquitous features of real-life turbulent flows is the existence and persistence of
coherent vortices. Here we show that such coherent vortices can be extracted as clusters of …
coherent vortices. Here we show that such coherent vortices can be extracted as clusters of …
Anticyclonic eddy sheddings from Kuroshio loop and the accompanying cyclonic eddy in the northeastern South China Sea
Abstract Sheddings of Kuroshio Loop Current (KLC) eddies in the northeastern South China
Sea (SCS) are investigated using mooring arrays, multiple satellite data, and data …
Sea (SCS) are investigated using mooring arrays, multiple satellite data, and data …