The interband cascade laser
We review the history, development, design principles, experimental operating
characteristics, and specialized architectures of interband cascade lasers for the mid-wave …
characteristics, and specialized architectures of interband cascade lasers for the mid-wave …
Mid-infrared tunable laser-based broadband fingerprint absorption spectroscopy for trace gas sensing: a review
The vast majority of gaseous chemical substances exhibit fundamental rovibrational
absorption bands in the mid-infrared spectral region (2.5–25 μm), and the absorption of light …
absorption bands in the mid-infrared spectral region (2.5–25 μm), and the absorption of light …
Theory of frequency-modulated combs in lasers with spatial hole burning, dispersion, and Kerr nonlinearity
Frequency-modulated (FM) frequency combs constitute an exciting alternative to generate
equidistant spectra. The full set of Maxwell-Bloch equations is reduced to a single master …
equidistant spectra. The full set of Maxwell-Bloch equations is reduced to a single master …
Dual-comb photothermal spectroscopy
Dual-comb spectroscopy (DCS) has revolutionized optical spectroscopy by providing
broadband spectral measurements with unprecedented resolution and fast response …
broadband spectral measurements with unprecedented resolution and fast response …
On-chip optical comb sources
On-chip integration of optical comb sources is crucial in enabling their widespread use.
Integrated photonic devices that can be mass-manufactured in semiconductor processing …
Integrated photonic devices that can be mass-manufactured in semiconductor processing …
Monolithic frequency comb platform based on interband cascade lasers and detectors
New insights into the laser dynamics of interband cascade lasers reveal the possibility to
generate frequency-modulated combs by utilizing their inherent gain nonlinearity. The …
generate frequency-modulated combs by utilizing their inherent gain nonlinearity. The …
Broadband molecular spectroscopy with optical frequency combs
Over the past dozen years, optical frequency combs have evolved into valuable tools for
broadband molecular spectroscopy. They have already enabled remarkable advances for …
broadband molecular spectroscopy. They have already enabled remarkable advances for …
Computational coherent averaging for free-running dual-comb spectroscopy
Dual-comb spectroscopy is a rapidly develo** spectroscopic technique that does not
require any opto-mechanical moving parts and enables broadband and high-resolution …
require any opto-mechanical moving parts and enables broadband and high-resolution …
[HTML][HTML] High-resolution frequency-comb spectroscopy with electro-optic sampling and instantaneous octave-wide coverage across mid-IR to THz at a video rate
Ultrabroadband electro-optic sampling using few-optical-cycle probing pulses is a sensitive
technique to detect electric field amplitudes with a high dynamic range and up to near …
technique to detect electric field amplitudes with a high dynamic range and up to near …
Frequency comb ptychoscopy
Multiheterodyne techniques using frequency combs—radiation sources whose lines are
perfectly evenly-spaced—have revolutionized science. By beating sources with the many …
perfectly evenly-spaced—have revolutionized science. By beating sources with the many …