Review on the influence of elastic particle properties on DEM simulation results
The on-going need to improve design or scale-up of particulate solids processes, may it be
handling, storage, transport or prediction of nature's phenomena, led to the use of the …
handling, storage, transport or prediction of nature's phenomena, led to the use of the …
A particulate-scale investigation of cemented sand behavior
In this paper, triaxial tests and numerical simulations using the discrete element method
(DEM) are combined to explore the underlying mechanisms of the unique behavior of …
(DEM) are combined to explore the underlying mechanisms of the unique behavior of …
A particle-scale investigation of mechanical behavior of cemented hydrate-bearing sediment using Discrete Element Method
Natural gas hydrate (NGH) is a promising clean energy with the characteristics of high
density and considerable reserves. To avoid geo-hazards induced by the exploitation of gas …
density and considerable reserves. To avoid geo-hazards induced by the exploitation of gas …
Modeling shear behavior and strain localization in cemented sands by two-dimensional distinct element method analyses
This paper presents a numerical investigation of shear behavior and strain localization in
cemented sands using the distinct element method (DEM), employing two different failure …
cemented sands using the distinct element method (DEM), employing two different failure …
Investigation of particle-scale mechanical behavior of hydrate-bearing sands using DEM: Focus on hydrate habits
Natural gas hydrates are commonly found in onshore permafrost and seabed regions.
Hydrates often exhibit different pore habits in different regions, which may affect the …
Hydrates often exhibit different pore habits in different regions, which may affect the …
On the role of particle breakage in the shear failure behavior of granular soils by DEM
This article presents a fundamental study on the role of particle breakage on the shear
behavior of granular soils using the three‐dimensional (3‐D) discrete element method. The …
behavior of granular soils using the three‐dimensional (3‐D) discrete element method. The …
Modeling Lac du Bonnet granite using a discrete element model
A discrete element method code developed by the authors is used to model Lac du Bonnet
granite in triaxial compression. The paper first presents the features of the model and the …
granite in triaxial compression. The paper first presents the features of the model and the …
Capturing nonspherical shape of granular media with disk clusters
In discrete numerical modeling of granular materials, idealization of individual particles is
required, as it is not practical to model a large number of particles, each with its actual shape …
required, as it is not practical to model a large number of particles, each with its actual shape …
Effective simulation of flexible lateral boundaries in two-and three-dimensional DEM simulations
Discrete element method (DEM) models to simulate laboratory element tests play an
important role in advancing our understanding of the mechanics of granular material …
important role in advancing our understanding of the mechanics of granular material …
Experimental characterization and 3D DEM simulation of bond breakages in artificially cemented sands with different bond strengths when subjected to triaxial …
This paper describes the mechanical behavior of artificially cemented sands with strong,
intermediate, and weak bond strengths, using experimentation and 3D discrete element …
intermediate, and weak bond strengths, using experimentation and 3D discrete element …