Molecular paleohydrology: interpreting the hydrogen-isotopic composition of lipid biomarkers from photosynthesizing organisms
Hydrogen-isotopic abundances of lipid biomarkers are emerging as important proxies in the
study of ancient environments and ecosystems. A decade ago, pioneering studies made use …
study of ancient environments and ecosystems. A decade ago, pioneering studies made use …
A review of molecular organic proxies for examining modern and ancient lacustrine environments
IS Castañeda, S Schouten - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
Molecular organic geochemical proxies are increasingly being utilized to reconstruct past
environmental conditions as new tools continue to be discovered and developed. To date …
environmental conditions as new tools continue to be discovered and developed. To date …
System for automated geoscientific analyses (SAGA) v. 2.1. 4
O Conrad, B Bechtel, M Bock, H Dietrich… - Geoscientific model …, 2015 - gmd.copernicus.org
The System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses (SAGA) is an open source geographic
information system (GIS), mainly licensed under the GNU General Public License. Since its …
information system (GIS), mainly licensed under the GNU General Public License. Since its …
Influence of the Indian monsoon and the subtropical jet on climate change on the Tibetan Plateau since the late Pleistocene
Abstract Precipitation atop the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is delivered by the Indian summer
monsoon, the Asian summer monsoon, and weather systems associated with the subtropical …
monsoon, the Asian summer monsoon, and weather systems associated with the subtropical …
Delayed hydrological response to Greenland cooling at the onset of the Younger Dryas in western Europe
The general warming trend of the last deglaciation was interrupted by the Younger Dryas, a
period of abrupt cooling and widespread environmental change,,,,,,,,,. Ice core records …
period of abrupt cooling and widespread environmental change,,,,,,,,,. Ice core records …
n-Alkane distributions and concentrations in algae, submerged plants and terrestrial plants from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
H Liu, W Liu - Organic geochemistry, 2016 - Elsevier
Long chain n-alkanes (C 27–C 33) in lake sediment records are commonly considered to be
terrestrial plant biomarkers when reconstructing paleoclimatic and paleolimnological history …
terrestrial plant biomarkers when reconstructing paleoclimatic and paleolimnological history …
Investigating the long-term palaeoclimatic controls on the δD and δ18O of precipitation during the Holocene in the Indian and East Asian monsoonal regions
Z Rao, Y Li, J Zhang, G Jia, F Chen - Earth-Science Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper aims to achieve an improved understanding of the long-term change trends of
precipitation δD and δ 18 O values (δD p and δ 18 O p) in the Asian monsoonal region and …
precipitation δD and δ 18 O values (δD p and δ 18 O p) in the Asian monsoonal region and …
Prolonged drying trend coincident with the demise of Norse settlement in southern Greenland
Declining temperature has been thought to explain the abandonment of Norse settlements,
southern Greenland, in the early 15th century, although limited paleoclimate evidence is …
southern Greenland, in the early 15th century, although limited paleoclimate evidence is …
Hydrogen isotope ratios of lacustrine sedimentary n-alkanes as proxies of tropical African hydrology: insights from a calibration transect across Cameroon
Hydrogen isotope values (δD) of sedimentary aquatic and terrestrial lipid biomarkers,
originating from algae, bacteria, and leaf wax, have been used to record isotopic properties …
originating from algae, bacteria, and leaf wax, have been used to record isotopic properties …
Calibration of modern sedimentary δ2H plant wax-water relationships in Greenland lakes
Sedimentary plant wax distributions and isotopic compositions are powerful, widely applied
paleoenvironmental proxies. However, there is conflicting evidence on the behavior of these …
paleoenvironmental proxies. However, there is conflicting evidence on the behavior of these …