Molecular paleohydrology: interpreting the hydrogen-isotopic composition of lipid biomarkers from photosynthesizing organisms

D Sachse, I Billault, GJ Bowen… - Annual Review of …, 2012 -
Hydrogen-isotopic abundances of lipid biomarkers are emerging as important proxies in the
study of ancient environments and ecosystems. A decade ago, pioneering studies made use …

A review of molecular organic proxies for examining modern and ancient lacustrine environments

IS Castañeda, S Schouten - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
Molecular organic geochemical proxies are increasingly being utilized to reconstruct past
environmental conditions as new tools continue to be discovered and developed. To date …

System for automated geoscientific analyses (SAGA) v. 2.1. 4

O Conrad, B Bechtel, M Bock, H Dietrich… - Geoscientific model …, 2015 -
The System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses (SAGA) is an open source geographic
information system (GIS), mainly licensed under the GNU General Public License. Since its …

Influence of the Indian monsoon and the subtropical jet on climate change on the Tibetan Plateau since the late Pleistocene

J Hou, WJ D'Andrea, M Wang, Y He, J Liang - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract Precipitation atop the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is delivered by the Indian summer
monsoon, the Asian summer monsoon, and weather systems associated with the subtropical …

Delayed hydrological response to Greenland cooling at the onset of the Younger Dryas in western Europe

O Rach, A Brauer, H Wilkes, D Sachse - Nature Geoscience, 2014 -
The general warming trend of the last deglaciation was interrupted by the Younger Dryas, a
period of abrupt cooling and widespread environmental change,,,,,,,,,. Ice core records …

n-Alkane distributions and concentrations in algae, submerged plants and terrestrial plants from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

H Liu, W Liu - Organic geochemistry, 2016 - Elsevier
Long chain n-alkanes (C 27–C 33) in lake sediment records are commonly considered to be
terrestrial plant biomarkers when reconstructing paleoclimatic and paleolimnological history …

Investigating the long-term palaeoclimatic controls on the δD and δ18O of precipitation during the Holocene in the Indian and East Asian monsoonal regions

Z Rao, Y Li, J Zhang, G Jia, F Chen - Earth-Science Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper aims to achieve an improved understanding of the long-term change trends of
precipitation δD and δ 18 O values (δD p and δ 18 O p) in the Asian monsoonal region and …

Prolonged drying trend coincident with the demise of Norse settlement in southern Greenland

B Zhao, IS Castañeda, JM Salacup, EK Thomas… - Science …, 2022 -
Declining temperature has been thought to explain the abandonment of Norse settlements,
southern Greenland, in the early 15th century, although limited paleoclimate evidence is …

Hydrogen isotope ratios of lacustrine sedimentary n-alkanes as proxies of tropical African hydrology: insights from a calibration transect across Cameroon

Y Garcin, VF Schwab, G Gleixner, A Kahmen… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2012 - Elsevier
Hydrogen isotope values (δD) of sedimentary aquatic and terrestrial lipid biomarkers,
originating from algae, bacteria, and leaf wax, have been used to record isotopic properties …

Calibration of modern sedimentary δ2H plant wax-water relationships in Greenland lakes

JM McFarlin, Y Axford, AL Masterson… - Quaternary Science …, 2019 - Elsevier
Sedimentary plant wax distributions and isotopic compositions are powerful, widely applied
paleoenvironmental proxies. However, there is conflicting evidence on the behavior of these …