Salinisation of rivers: an urgent ecological issue
Secondary salinisation of rivers and streams is a global and growing threat that might be
amplified by climate change. It can have many different causes, like irrigation, mining activity …
amplified by climate change. It can have many different causes, like irrigation, mining activity …
A review of groundwater–surface water interactions in arid/semi‐arid wetlands and the consequences of salinity for wetland ecology
In arid/semi‐arid environments, where rainfall is seasonal, highly variable and significantly
less than the evaporation rate, groundwater discharge can be a major component of the …
less than the evaporation rate, groundwater discharge can be a major component of the …
Pesticides reduce regional biodiversity of stream invertebrates
The biodiversity crisis is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity, but our
understanding of the drivers remains limited. Thus, after decades of studies and regulation …
understanding of the drivers remains limited. Thus, after decades of studies and regulation …
Salt in freshwaters: causes, effects and prospects-introduction to the theme issue
Humans are globally increasing the salt concentration of freshwaters (ie freshwater
salinization), leading to significant effects at the population, community and ecosystem level …
salinization), leading to significant effects at the population, community and ecosystem level …
Salinized rivers: degraded systems or new habitats for salt-tolerant faunas?
Anthropogenic salinization of rivers is an emerging issue of global concern, with significant
adverse effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Impacts of freshwater salinization …
adverse effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Impacts of freshwater salinization …
Exploring the effects of salinization on trophic diversity in freshwater ecosystems: a quantitative review
Salinization of freshwater ecosystems represents a potential threat to biodiversity, but the
distribution of salinity tolerance among freshwater organisms and its functional …
distribution of salinity tolerance among freshwater organisms and its functional …
Development and application of the SSD approach in scientific case studies for ecological risk assessment
Species sensitivity distributions (SSDs) are used in ecological risk assessment for
extrapolation of the results of toxicity tests with single species to a toxicity threshold …
extrapolation of the results of toxicity tests with single species to a toxicity threshold …
[PDF][PDF] Package 'fitdistrplus'
Description Extends the fitdistr () function (of the MASS package) with several functions to
help the fit of a parametric distribution to non-censored or censored data. Censored data …
help the fit of a parametric distribution to non-censored or censored data. Censored data …
A trait database of stream invertebrates for the ecological risk assessment of single and combined effects of salinity and pesticides in South-East Australia
We compiled a database on a priori selected traits for South-East Australian freshwater
macroinvertebrate families and used this data for the development of a biotic indicator for the …
macroinvertebrate families and used this data for the development of a biotic indicator for the …
Salty fertile lakes: How salinization and eutrophication alter the structure of freshwater communities
The quality of freshwater ecosystems is decreasing worldwide because of anthropogenic
activities. For example, nutrient over‐enrichment associated with agricultural, urban, and …
activities. For example, nutrient over‐enrichment associated with agricultural, urban, and …