Molecular communication and nanonetwork for targeted drug delivery: A survey
Molecular communication (MC) and molecular network (MN) are communication paradigms
that use biochemical signaling to achieve information exchange among naturally and …
that use biochemical signaling to achieve information exchange among naturally and …
A comprehensive survey on hybrid communication in context of molecular communication and terahertz communication for body-centric nanonetworks
With the huge advancement of nanotechnology over the past years, the devices are
shrinking into micro-scale, even nano-scale. Additionally, the Internet of nano-things (IoNTs) …
shrinking into micro-scale, even nano-scale. Additionally, the Internet of nano-things (IoNTs) …
Internet of Things security and forensics: Challenges and opportunities
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) envisions pervasive, connected, and smart nodes
interacting autonomously while offering all sorts of services. Wide distribution, openness and …
interacting autonomously while offering all sorts of services. Wide distribution, openness and …
[PDF][PDF] Black hole and sink hole attack detection in wireless body area networks
In Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) with respect to health care, sensors are
positioned inside the body of an individual to transfer sensed data to a central station …
positioned inside the body of an individual to transfer sensed data to a central station …
Reliable data dissemination for the Internet of Things using Harris hawks optimization
Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) entities compile a massive volume of sensing data and
transmit it to the cloud for processing and reasoning. Reliable and secure data aggregation …
transmit it to the cloud for processing and reasoning. Reliable and secure data aggregation …
Architectures, benefits, security and privacy issues of internet of nano things: A comprehensive survey, opportunities and research challenges
The Internet of Things (IoT) has profoundly impacted today's world. Recent technological
advancements in the Internet and Information Communication (ICT) have paved the way for …
advancements in the Internet and Information Communication (ICT) have paved the way for …
A systematic review of bio-cyber interface technologies and security issues for internet of bio-nano things
Advances in synthetic biology and nanotechnology have contributed to the design of tools
that can be used to control, reuse, modify, and re-engineer cells' structure, as well as …
that can be used to control, reuse, modify, and re-engineer cells' structure, as well as …
An improved chacha algorithm for securing data on IoT devices
In recent years, revolution of development was exceedingly quick in the Internet.
Nevertheless, instead of only linking personal computers, mobiles and wearable …
Nevertheless, instead of only linking personal computers, mobiles and wearable …
IoT cybersecurity in 5G and beyond: a systematic literature review
Abstract The 5th generation (5G) and beyond use Internet of Things (IoT) to offer the feature
of remote monitoring for different applications such as transportation, healthcare, and …
of remote monitoring for different applications such as transportation, healthcare, and …
Securing bio-cyber interface for the internet of bio-nano things using particle swarm optimization and artificial neural networks based parameter profiling
Internet of bio-nano things (IoBNT) is a novel communication paradigm where tiny,
biocompatible and non-intrusive devices collect and sense biological signals from the …
biocompatible and non-intrusive devices collect and sense biological signals from the …