[HTML][HTML] Concepts in Boolean network modeling: What do they all mean?
Boolean network models are one of the simplest models to study complex dynamic behavior
in biological systems. They can be applied to unravel the mechanisms regulating the …
in biological systems. They can be applied to unravel the mechanisms regulating the …
Recent development and biomedical applications of probabilistic Boolean networks
Probabilistic Boolean network (PBN) modelling is a semi-quantitative approach widely used
for the study of the topology and dynamic aspects of biological systems. The combined use …
for the study of the topology and dynamic aspects of biological systems. The combined use …
[HTML][HTML] The constrained disorder principle defines living organisms and provides a method for correcting disturbed biological systems
Y Ilan - Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2022 - Elsevier
The constrained disorder principle defines the existence and function of living organisms.
The principle specifies that biological systems comprise a disorder within constrained …
The principle specifies that biological systems comprise a disorder within constrained …
The unforeseen challenge: from genotype-to-phenotype in cell populations
E Braun - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
Biological cells present a paradox, in that they show simultaneous stability and flexibility,
allowing them to adapt to new environments and to evolve over time. The emergence of …
allowing them to adapt to new environments and to evolve over time. The emergence of …
On the dynamics of random Boolean networks subject to noise: attractors, ergodic sets and cell types
The asymptotic dynamics of random Boolean networks subject to random fluctuations is
investigated. Under the influence of noise, the system can escape from the attractors of the …
investigated. Under the influence of noise, the system can escape from the attractors of the …
Boolean model of growth signaling, cell cycle and apoptosis predicts the molecular mechanism of aberrant cell cycle progression driven by hyperactive PI3K
The PI3K/AKT signaling pathway plays a role in most cellular functions linked to cancer
progression, including cell growth, proliferation, cell survival, tissue invasion and …
progression, including cell growth, proliferation, cell survival, tissue invasion and …
Modeling stochasticity and variability in gene regulatory networks
Modeling stochasticity in gene regulatory networks is an important and complex problem in
molecular systems biology. To elucidate intrinsic noise, several modeling strategies such as …
molecular systems biology. To elucidate intrinsic noise, several modeling strategies such as …
Digital clocks: simple Boolean models can quantitatively describe circadian systems
The gene networks that comprise the circadian clock modulate biological function across a
range of scales, from gene expression to performance and adaptive behaviour. The clock …
range of scales, from gene expression to performance and adaptive behaviour. The clock …
A Mechanistic Computational Model Reveals That Plasticity of CD4+ T Cell Differentiation Is a Function of Cytokine Composition and Dosage
CD4+ T cells provide cell-mediated immunity in response to various antigens. During an
immune response, naïve CD4+ T cells differentiate into specialized effector T helper (Th1 …
immune response, naïve CD4+ T cells differentiate into specialized effector T helper (Th1 …
Stochastic and delayed stochastic models of gene expression and regulation
AS Ribeiro - Mathematical biosciences, 2010 - Elsevier
Gene expression and gene regulatory networks dynamics are stochastic. The noise in the
temporal amounts of proteins and RNA molecules in cells arises from the stochasticity of …
temporal amounts of proteins and RNA molecules in cells arises from the stochasticity of …