What people think about cloning? Social representation of this technique and its associated emotions

M Curelaru, A Neculau, M Cristea - Journal for the Study of Religions …, 2012‏ - ceeol.com
This study explores the social representations of cloning taking in consideration a series of
associated emotions and the subjects' level of religiosity. The participants in our study …

Social representations of social media at romanian teenagers. European integration through the internet

RA Dobrea - 2019‏ - iris.uniroma1.it
Abstract Social media and European Union are two realities of the present that have
undoubtedly brought major changes in society in terms of communication, intergroup …

[CITATION][C] Teoria şi metodologia evaluării în învăţământul universitar

C Platon - Teză de dr. hab. în pedagogie. Chişinău, 2005

[CITATION][C] Repere psiho-pedagogice ale evaluării cadrelor didactice din învăţământul preuniversitar

TD Ecaterina - 2010