[HTML][HTML] Is digital transformation threatened? A systematic literature review of the factors influencing firms' digital transformation and internationalization
Digital transformation has a significant impact on firm internationalization. This paper aims to
provide a systematic literature review to analyze two decades of literature on key issues …
provide a systematic literature review to analyze two decades of literature on key issues …
Digital innovation in SMEs: a systematic review, synthesis and research agenda
This paper presents a systematic literature review on digital innovation in Small and Medium-
sized Enterprises (SMEs). It aims to synthesize previous research and identify knowledge …
sized Enterprises (SMEs). It aims to synthesize previous research and identify knowledge …
Can digital transformation improve market and ESG performance? Evidence from Chinese SMEs
Promoting the digital transformation of businesses and ESG (Environmental, Social, and
Governance) performance can significantly benefit from research on the impact of small and …
Governance) performance can significantly benefit from research on the impact of small and …
How can SMEs successfully navigate VUCA environment: The role of agility in the digital transformation era
Organizational agility, that is the ability to anticipate or respond quickly to external changes,
is essential to survive and compete in today's turbulent landscape, characterized by …
is essential to survive and compete in today's turbulent landscape, characterized by …
How digitalization reinvented entrepreneurial resilience during COVID-19
The emergence of new digital technologies has transformed entrepreneurship and, very
likely, enabled many new and established ventures to avoid bankruptcy throughout the …
likely, enabled many new and established ventures to avoid bankruptcy throughout the …
Internationalization, digitalization, and sustainability: Are SMEs ready? A survey on synergies and substituting effects among growth paths
Internationalization, digitalization, and sustainability are three key growth paths for firms. In
particular, the contemporary economy stresses the relevance of digital transformation as a …
particular, the contemporary economy stresses the relevance of digital transformation as a …
Resources and digital export: An RBV perspective on the role of digital technologies and capabilities in cross-border e-commerce
Building on the resource-based view (RBV) perspective of the firm and firms' competitive
capabilities, this study examines the digital export drivers as means for firms to exploit …
capabilities, this study examines the digital export drivers as means for firms to exploit …
Evolution of digital transformation in SMEs management through a bibliometric analysis
This document performs a systematic review of the literature and bibliometrics on the
orientation of digital transformation (DT) in the organizational and management processes of …
orientation of digital transformation (DT) in the organizational and management processes of …
The influence of a digital strategy on the digitalization of new ventures: The mediating effect of digital capabilities and a digital culture
ABSTRACT A higher degree of digitalization in new ventures' product/service offerings and
their processes can lead to a faster time to market and the ability to rapidly scale. Hence, it …
their processes can lead to a faster time to market and the ability to rapidly scale. Hence, it …
Digital technologies and knowledge processes: new emerging strategies in international business. A systematic literature review
Digital technologies and knowledge processes: new emerging strategies in international
business. A systematic literature review | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies …
business. A systematic literature review | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies …