Künstliche Intelligenz und Ethik im Gesundheitswesen–Spagat oder Symbiose?
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) gewinnt auch im Gesundheitswesen immer mehr an Bedeutung.
Diese Entwicklung löst ernst zu nehmende Sorgen aus, die sich anhand von sechs großen …
Diese Entwicklung löst ernst zu nehmende Sorgen aus, die sich anhand von sechs großen …
[PDF][PDF] STE-GAN: Speech-to-Electromyography Signal Conversion using Generative Adversarial Networks
Abstract With Speech-to-Electromyography Generative Adversarial Network (STE-GAN), we
propose a model which can synthesize Electromyography (EMG) signals from acoustic …
propose a model which can synthesize Electromyography (EMG) signals from acoustic …
Prediction of Voice Fundamental Frequency and Intensity from Surface Electromyographic Signals of the Face and Neck
Silent speech interfaces (SSIs) enable speech recognition and synthesis in the absence of
an acoustic signal. Yet, the archetypal SSI fails to convey the expressive attributes of …
an acoustic signal. Yet, the archetypal SSI fails to convey the expressive attributes of …
An Optimized EMG Encoder to minimize soft speech loss for speech to EMG conversionsFree GPT-4
Electromyography (EMG) to speech conversions is a standard problem to facilitate speech
impaired individuals for communication via EMG (EMG to Speech). However, dataset …
impaired individuals for communication via EMG (EMG to Speech). However, dataset …
[PDF][PDF] Towards silent paralinguistics: deriving speaking mode and speaker ID from electromyographic signals
Abstract Silent Computational Paralinguistics (SCP)–the assessment of speaker states and
traits from non-audibly spoken communication–has rarely been targeted in the rich body of …
traits from non-audibly spoken communication–has rarely been targeted in the rich body of …
[PDF][PDF] Phone classification using electromyographic signals
Silent speech interfaces aim at generating speech from biosignals obtained from the human
speech production system. In order to provide resources for the development of these …
speech production system. In order to provide resources for the development of these …
[PDF][PDF] A Comparative Study of Different EMG Features for Acoustics-to-EMG Map**.
Electromyography (EMG) signals have been extensively used to capture facial muscle
movements while speaking since they are one of the most closely related bio-signals …
movements while speaking since they are one of the most closely related bio-signals …
[PDF][PDF] Visual Speech for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Detection.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects almost one billion people worldwide and limits
peoples' quality of life substantially. Furthermore, it is responsible for significant morbidity …
peoples' quality of life substantially. Furthermore, it is responsible for significant morbidity …
“I Can't Talk Now”: Speaking with Voice Output Communication Aid Using Text-to-Speech Synthesis During Multiparty Video Conference
COVID-19 has resulted in the rapid popularization of video conferencing. A growing number
of users have become obligated to find suitable places for video conferencing, but …
of users have become obligated to find suitable places for video conferencing, but …