The common dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) feeds on both vegetable food and food
of animal origin. The dormouse has a varied diet, which depends upon latitude and …
of animal origin. The dormouse has a varied diet, which depends upon latitude and …
[PDF][PDF] Utilization of artificial shelters by bats (Chiroptera) in three different types of forest
The use of wooden (modified Stratmann) boxes by bats was studied in three different tree
stands (80-year old beech forest, 150-year old oak-beech forest with admixture of pine, 50 …
stands (80-year old beech forest, 150-year old oak-beech forest with admixture of pine, 50 …
[PDF][PDF] Interactions between dormice (Gliridae) and hole-nesting birds in nestboxes
accepted 20 september 2006 abstract. in Lithuania, common dormice Muscardinus
avellanarius destroyed 6.6% of 3807 bird nests with eggs in nestboxes at two study sites. M …
avellanarius destroyed 6.6% of 3807 bird nests with eggs in nestboxes at two study sites. M …
[PDF][PDF] Population biology of the edible dormouse Glis glis in a mixed montane forest in central Slovenia over three years
B Kryštufek, A Hudoklin, D Pavlin - Acta Zoologica Academiae …, 2003 - researchgate.net
We monitored the population biology of the Edible dormouse over three years (1999–2001)
by monthly checks of nest boxes. The study took place in a semi-natural montane forest of …
by monthly checks of nest boxes. The study took place in a semi-natural montane forest of …
Daily roost utilization by edible dormouse in a managed pine-dominated forest
Many forest dwelling species faces increasing shortage of natural shelters as tree cavities
due to a decline of the abundance of large, old trees, eliminated from the forest stands by …
due to a decline of the abundance of large, old trees, eliminated from the forest stands by …
Spatial distribution of the yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) in large forest areas and its relation with seed crop of forest trees
The checking of nestboxes put up in a grid system gives a chance to estimate both relative
abundance and spatial distribution of yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) in large …
abundance and spatial distribution of yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) in large …
Nest box use by woodland dormice (Graphiurus murinus): the influence of life cycle and nest box placement
The use of nest boxes by the woodland dormouse, Graphiurus murinus, was investigated
over a 13-month period in a riverine forest of the Great Fish River Reserve, South Africa. We …
over a 13-month period in a riverine forest of the Great Fish River Reserve, South Africa. We …
Diversity and abundance of bats (Chiroptera) found in bat boxes in East Lithuania
K Baranauskas - Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Bat diversity and abundance was investigated in thirteen areas in east Lithuania in 2009. A
total of 504 bat boxes of four models were checked in each area (30–60 bat boxes per area) …
total of 504 bat boxes of four models were checked in each area (30–60 bat boxes per area) …
[PDF][PDF] The use of nest boxes to survey marginally distributed fat dormouse Glis glis in Latvia
V Pilāts, D Pilāte, I Dzalba - Acta universitatis latviensis, 2009 - researchgate.net
The use of nest boxes in different studies of arboreal mammals, such as dormouse, is a
widely accepted method. We examined the use of this method to survey a marginal …
widely accepted method. We examined the use of this method to survey a marginal …
[PDF][PDF] The diet of the garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) in the Netherlands in summer and autumn
L Kuipers, J Scholten, JBM Thissen, L Bekkers… - 2012 - repository.ubn.ru.nl
The food of the last remaining population of garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) in the
Netherlands is studied by means of analysing faecal samples, collected in the summer and …
Netherlands is studied by means of analysing faecal samples, collected in the summer and …