Public preferences and willingness to pay for environmental benefits of straw return: Empirical evidence from Northeast China
Z Cai, B Mao, C Ao, B Liu - Journal of Environmental Management, 2024 - Elsevier
Straw management is an important issue for many develo** countries. In China, straw
return is an effective way of straw management, involving substantial financial subsidies and …
return is an effective way of straw management, involving substantial financial subsidies and …
The effect of incentives and procedure simplification in policy implementation: Evidence from a survey experiment on waste sorting
Y Zhao, S Van de Walle - Journal of Asian Public Policy, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
To encourage residents to sort their waste, governments can use incentives such as cash
rewards or social reinforcement. The effect of such incentives remains unclear, and …
rewards or social reinforcement. The effect of such incentives remains unclear, and …
Citizens' trust and digital attitudes: evidence from city digital transformation in Shanghai, China
Y Zhang - Public Administration and Policy, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose Based on the theory of trust and cost-benefit perspective, this paper examines the
relationship between citizens' trust and their digital attitudes by considering the mediating …
relationship between citizens' trust and their digital attitudes by considering the mediating …
Experimental tests of public support for disability policy
S Timmons, E Carroll, F McGinnity - 2023 - econstor.eu
Despite the right of disabled people to full social and economic inclusion, many face multiple
day-to-day and systemic challenges. These include but are not limited to additional …
day-to-day and systemic challenges. These include but are not limited to additional …
[PDF][PDF] Moralisieren als narrative Strategie im politischen Diskurs: Einblicke aus der klimapolitischen Debatte in Deutschland
Sprache spielt in der Politik eine bedeutende Rolle. In verschiedenen Phasen des
Politikprozesses hat sie Einfluss darauf, welche Themen bei einer Vielzahl an Problemen …
Politikprozesses hat sie Einfluss darauf, welche Themen bei einer Vielzahl an Problemen …
[หนังสือ][B] The Importance of Public Relations in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism
G Clubb, R O'Connor, D Koehler, J Schewe - 2022 - cve-kenya.org
The policy brief makes the case that policymakers and practitioners need to consider how
P/CVE programmes engage in public relations (PR), specifically in communicating …
P/CVE programmes engage in public relations (PR), specifically in communicating …
Teachers', School Heads', and Supervisors' Understanding and Use of K to 12 Assessment Policies
This study examines the comprehension and application of K to 12 assessment policies
among educators and supervisors. Findings highlight disparities in understanding and …
among educators and supervisors. Findings highlight disparities in understanding and …
정책 내러티브 전략의 효과성 평가기준의 탐색
김성종 - 한국행정논집, 2023 - dbpia.co.kr
본 연구는 정책과정에서 경쟁관계에 있는 정책행위자들이 내러티브를 전략과 내러티브의
효과를 분석할 목적으로 수행되었다. 분석대상 사례는 모빌리티 플랫폼을 둘러싼 신구산업의 …
효과를 분석할 목적으로 수행되었다. 분석대상 사례는 모빌리티 플랫폼을 둘러싼 신구산업의 …
[PDF][PDF] A Research on Strategic Narratives of Chinese Naturalized Soccer Athletes: How Chinese, English& Japanese Mainstream Media Say?
X Hao, J Liang - people, 2023 - francis-press.com
The purpose of this research is to explore the differences among the coverage on “Chinese
Naturalized Soccer Athletes” from Chinese, English& Japanese media. By examining 93 …
Naturalized Soccer Athletes” from Chinese, English& Japanese media. By examining 93 …
MK Suharjana, MP Aman, MK Widiyanto