[HTML][HTML] What factors influence risk at rail level crossings? A systematic review and synthesis of findings using systems thinking

GJM Read, JA Cox, A Hulme, A Naweed, PM Salmon - Safety science, 2021 - Elsevier
Collisions between road users (drivers, cyclists, motorcyclists, pedestrians) and trains at rail
level crossings (RLXs) remain an intractable issue. This systematic review aimed to …

Artificial intelligence enabled road vehicle-train collision risk assessment framework for unmanned railway level crossings

V Singhal, SS Jain, D Anand, A Singh, S Verma… - IEEE …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The study focuses on the artificial intelligence empowered road vehicle-train collision risk
prediction assessment, which may lead to the development of a road vehicle-train collision …

Accounting for unobserved heterogeneity and spatial instability in the analysis of crash injury-severity at highway-rail grade crossings: A random parameters with …

SS Ahmed, F Corman, PC Anastasopoulos - Analytic methods in accident …, 2023 - Elsevier
Crashes at highway-rail grade crossings often result in higher proportion of injury and fatality
of the vehicle occupants as compared to other crash types, necessitating in-depth …

Safety and associated parameters influencing performance of rail road grade crossings: A critical review of state of the art

AK Vivek, T Khan, SS Mohapatra - Journal of safety research, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Introduction: Railroad grade crossings (RRGCs) have emerged as critical
transportation infrastructures from the point of safety and operational aspects because two …

[HTML][HTML] Injury severity analysis of highway-rail grade crossing crashes in non-divided two-way traffic scenarios: A random parameters logit model

Q Ren, M Xu - Multimodal Transportation, 2024 - Elsevier
Highway-rail grade crossing (HRGC) crashes in non-divided two-way traffic scenarios have
caused numerous fatalities and injuries over the years. Although crucial to the safety of …

Strategies to mitigate safety and associated problems at gated rail road grade crossing: A structural equation modelling approach

AK Vivek, S Gupta, T Khan, SS Mohapatra - Transport policy, 2024 - Elsevier
It is globally accepted that gates at rail road grade crossings (RRGCs) are more effective at
preventing collisions between road users and trains than other types of traffic control devices …

Sosialisasi Keselamatan Perkeretaapian untuk Meningkatan Peran Masyarakat Tertib Berlalu Lintas di Perlintasan Sebidang

F Rozaq, WA Wirawan, NF Rachman… - Madiun Spoor: Jurnal …, 2021 - jurnal.ppi.ac.id
Program sosialisasi keselamatan perkeretaapian bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran
masyarakat tertib berlalu lintas di perlintasan sebidang kereta api. Tujuan pengabdian untuk …

Causes of pedelec (pedal electric cycle) single accidents and their influence on injury severity

T Panwinkler, C Holz-Rau - Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2021 - Elsevier
Pedelecs (pedal electric cycles) have become increasingly popular in recent years. This
increase may trigger many positive effects, but unfortunately it also results in an increase in …

[HTML][HTML] Prevalence of and intent behind motorcyclists' violations at railway crossings in Indonesia: modeling behavior and learning lessons from a develo** country

S Velantia, A Widyanti, T Yudhistira - IATSS research, 2024 - Elsevier
Objective Indonesia experiences a high number of motorcycle accidents at railway crossings
(RLXs). The purpose of this study is to observe motorcyclists' behavior and intent to cross the …

[PDF][PDF] Automatic traffic control technologies for remote monitoring of unmanned railway gates

JV Anand - Journal of Electronics, 2020 - academia.edu
Continuous researches are done to improve technologies for develo** effective,
economical and productive solutions for preventing fatalities in the railway gates that are …