Recent advances in opinion propagation dynamics: A 2020 survey

H Noorazar - The European Physical Journal Plus, 2020 - Springer
Opinion dynamics have attracted the interest of researchers from different fields. Local
interactions among individuals create interesting dynamics for the system as a whole. Such …

A tutorial on modeling and analysis of dynamic social networks. Part II

AV Proskurnikov, R Tempo - Annual Reviews in Control, 2018 - Elsevier
Recent years have witnessed a significant trend towards filling the gap between Social
Network Analysis (SNA) and control theory. This trend was enabled by the introduction of …

Novel multidimensional models of opinion dynamics in social networks

SE Parsegov, AV Proskurnikov… - … on Automatic Control, 2016 -
Unlike many complex networks studied in the literature, social networks rarely exhibit
unanimous behavior, or consensus. This requires a development of mathematical models …

[HTML][HTML] Discrete opinion dynamics in social networks with stubborn agents and limited information

W Cao, H Zhang, G Kou, B Zhang - Information Fusion, 2024 - Elsevier
In this paper, we consider discrete opinion dynamics with n possible opinions in social
networks with stubborn agents, where conformists adopt the most common opinions in their …

Formal models of opinion formation and their application to real data: evidence from online social networks

IV Kozitsin - The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, we analyze data on the opinion dynamics of 1,660,927 users of an online
social network using formal models of opinion formation. We have observed that moderate …

Learning hidden influences in large-scale dynamical social networks: A data-driven sparsity-based approach, in memory of roberto tempo

C Ravazzi, F Dabbene, C Lagoa… - IEEE Control Systems …, 2021 -
The processes of information diffusion across social networks (for example, the spread of
opinions and the formation of beliefs) are attracting substantial interest in disciplines ranging …

Blind community detection from low-rank excitations of a graph filter

HT Wai, S Segarra, AE Ozdaglar… - … on signal processing, 2019 -
This paper considers a new framework to detect communities in a graph from the
observation of signals at its nodes. We model the observed signals as noisy outputs of an …

Learning influence structure in sparse social networks

C Ravazzi, R Tempo, F Dabbene - IEEE Transactions on …, 2017 -
The aim of this paper is to propose a novel methodology for estimating the social influence
among agents interacting in a sparse social network described by the Friedkin and Johnsen …

Cyber-social systems: modeling, inference, and optimal design

M Doostmohammadian, HR Rabiee… - IEEE Systems …, 2019 -
This paper models the cyber-social system as a cyber-network of agents monitoring states of
individuals in a social network. The state of each individual is represented by a social node …

Data injection attacks in randomized gossi**

R Gentz, SX Wu, HT Wai, A Scaglione… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 -
The subject of this paper is the detection and mitigation of data injection attacks in
randomized average consensus gossip algorithms. It is broadly known that the main …