Arrhythmia detection using deep convolutional neural network with long duration ECG signals

Ö Yıldırım, P Pławiak, RS Tan, UR Acharya - Computers in biology and …, 2018 - Elsevier
This article presents a new deep learning approach for cardiac arrhythmia (17 classes)
detection based on long-duration electrocardiography (ECG) signal analysis …

Novel methodology of cardiac health recognition based on ECG signals and evolutionary-neural system

P Pławiak - Expert Systems with Applications, 2018 - Elsevier
This article presents an innovative research methodology that enables the efficient
classification of cardiac disorders (17 classes) based on ECG signal analysis and an …

Yule-Walker equations using higher order statistics for nonlinear autoregressive model

U Libal, KH Johansson - 2019 Signal Processing Symposium …, 2019 -
The paper presents the derivation of Yule-Walker equations for the nonlinear autoregressive
model NAR (p) of a time-series. The proposed method allows for easy calculation of …

Brainwave-controlled applications with the Emotiv EPOC using support vector machine

HH Kha, VA Kha, DQ Hung - 2016 3rd International …, 2016 -
Electroencephalography (EEG) which is the electrical signal recorded by the sensors
attached on the human scalp to detect brain activities has been the emerging trends in …

[PDF][PDF] Robust Method for the Classification of the Arrhythmia with DNN Classifier in the Diverse ECG Signal

GR Vedavathi, DS Prasad - International Journal of Computer …, 2017 -
Electrocardiography (ECG) signals are classified into two classes in order to find
abnormality of the signal. The ECG can be obtained by placing the electrode on the skin of …

[BOK][B] Speech Feature Analysis and Discrimination in Biological Information

S Honda - 2022 -
A silent speech interface is a system that allows people doing speech communication
without using their own speech sounds. Today, a variety of speech interfaces have been …

Méthodes à noyaux en reconnaissance de formes, prédiction et classification. Applications aux biosignaux

M Kallas - 2012 -
Le foisonnement des méthodes à noyaux réside dans l'astuce du noyau, induisant
implicitement une transformation non-linéaire à coût calculatoire réduit. Cependant, la …

[PDF][PDF] Arrhythmia Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network With Long

O YILDIRIM, P PLAWIAK… - …, 2013 -
This article presents a new deep learning approach for cardiac arrhythmia (17 classes)
detection based on long-duration electrocardiography (ECG) signal analysis …