The lunar cratering chronology

H Hiesinger, CH Van der Bogert… - … in Mineralogy and …, 2023 -
The Moon is a unique body in our Solar System that allows us to groundtruth remotesensing
data (eg, crater size–frequency distributions, or CSFDs, crater/rock degradation rates …

The structure and evolution of the lunar interior

JC Andrews-Hanna, RC Weber… - … in Mineralogy and …, 2023 -
The internal structure of the Moon, from surface to core, preserves a record of its evolution
from accretion to present-day. The structure of the Moon is unique in the Solar System by …

Asymmetric thermal evolution of the Moon

M Laneuville, MA Wieczorek… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
The Moon possesses a clear dichotomy in geological processes between the nearside and
farside hemispheres. The most pronounced expressions of this dichotomy are the strong …

Asteroids for gravitational-wave detection

MA Fedderke, PW Graham, S Rajendran - Physical Review D, 2022 - APS
A major challenge for gravitational-wave (GW) detection in the μ Hz band is engineering a
test mass (TM) with sufficiently low acceleration noise. We propose a GW detection concept …

Tectonics of the Moon

AL Nahm, TR Watters, CL Johnson… - … in Mineralogy and …, 2023 -
In less than a decade, the long-held view that the tectonics of the Moon were largely just a
consequence of the evolution of the near side mare basins has been changed dramatically …

Shallow seismic activity and young thrust faults on the Moon

TR Watters, RC Weber, GC Collins, IJ Howley… - Nature …, 2019 -
The discovery of young thrust faults on the Moon is evidence of recent tectonic activity, but
how recent is unknown. Seismometers at four Apollo landing sites recorded 28 shallow …

Function identification of miR159a, a positive regulator during poplar resistance to drought stress

T Fu, C Wang, Y Yang, X Yang, J Wang… - Horticulture …, 2023 -
Drought seriously affects the growth and development of plants. MiR159 is a highly
conserved and abundant microRNA family that plays a crucial role in plant growth and stress …

Geology, geochemistry, and geophysics of the Moon: Status of current understanding

R Jaumann, H Hiesinger, M Anand, IA Crawford… - Planetary and Space …, 2012 - Elsevier
The Moon is key to understanding both Earth and our Solar System in terms of planetary
processes and has been a witness of the Solar System history for more than 4.5 Ga. Building …

A 3‐D numerical study of the thermal evolution of the Moon after cumulate mantle overturn: The importance of rheology and core solidification

N Zhang, EM Parmentier, Y Liang - Journal of Geophysical …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Models in which the mantle of the Moon evolves from an initially stratified state
following magma ocean solidification and overturn have been applied to address important …

Mass wasting features on the Moon–how active is the lunar surface?

Z **ao, Z Zeng, N Ding, J Molaro - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2013 - Elsevier
Mass wasting features have long been noticed on the Moon, but there has been no
systematic studies for their morphological, geometrical, or distribution characteristics. The …