The lunar cratering chronology
The Moon is a unique body in our Solar System that allows us to groundtruth remotesensing
data (eg, crater size–frequency distributions, or CSFDs, crater/rock degradation rates …
data (eg, crater size–frequency distributions, or CSFDs, crater/rock degradation rates …
The structure and evolution of the lunar interior
JC Andrews-Hanna, RC Weber… - … in Mineralogy and …, 2023 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The internal structure of the Moon, from surface to core, preserves a record of its evolution
from accretion to present-day. The structure of the Moon is unique in the Solar System by …
from accretion to present-day. The structure of the Moon is unique in the Solar System by …
Asymmetric thermal evolution of the Moon
The Moon possesses a clear dichotomy in geological processes between the nearside and
farside hemispheres. The most pronounced expressions of this dichotomy are the strong …
farside hemispheres. The most pronounced expressions of this dichotomy are the strong …
Asteroids for gravitational-wave detection
MA Fedderke, PW Graham, S Rajendran - Physical Review D, 2022 - APS
A major challenge for gravitational-wave (GW) detection in the μ Hz band is engineering a
test mass (TM) with sufficiently low acceleration noise. We propose a GW detection concept …
test mass (TM) with sufficiently low acceleration noise. We propose a GW detection concept …
Tectonics of the Moon
In less than a decade, the long-held view that the tectonics of the Moon were largely just a
consequence of the evolution of the near side mare basins has been changed dramatically …
consequence of the evolution of the near side mare basins has been changed dramatically …
Shallow seismic activity and young thrust faults on the Moon
The discovery of young thrust faults on the Moon is evidence of recent tectonic activity, but
how recent is unknown. Seismometers at four Apollo landing sites recorded 28 shallow …
how recent is unknown. Seismometers at four Apollo landing sites recorded 28 shallow …
Function identification of miR159a, a positive regulator during poplar resistance to drought stress
T Fu, C Wang, Y Yang, X Yang, J Wang… - Horticulture …, 2023 - academic.oup.com
Drought seriously affects the growth and development of plants. MiR159 is a highly
conserved and abundant microRNA family that plays a crucial role in plant growth and stress …
conserved and abundant microRNA family that plays a crucial role in plant growth and stress …
Geology, geochemistry, and geophysics of the Moon: Status of current understanding
The Moon is key to understanding both Earth and our Solar System in terms of planetary
processes and has been a witness of the Solar System history for more than 4.5 Ga. Building …
processes and has been a witness of the Solar System history for more than 4.5 Ga. Building …
A 3‐D numerical study of the thermal evolution of the Moon after cumulate mantle overturn: The importance of rheology and core solidification
Abstract Models in which the mantle of the Moon evolves from an initially stratified state
following magma ocean solidification and overturn have been applied to address important …
following magma ocean solidification and overturn have been applied to address important …
Mass wasting features on the Moon–how active is the lunar surface?
Mass wasting features have long been noticed on the Moon, but there has been no
systematic studies for their morphological, geometrical, or distribution characteristics. The …
systematic studies for their morphological, geometrical, or distribution characteristics. The …