Adaptive computing on the grid using AppLeS
Ensembles of distributed, heterogeneous resources, also known as computational grids,
have emerged as critical platforms for high-performance and resource-intensive …
have emerged as critical platforms for high-performance and resource-intensive …
Optimal scheduling in the multiserver-job model under heavy traffic
Multiserver-job systems, where jobs require concurrent service at many servers, occur
widely in practice. Essentially all of the theoretical work on multiserver-job systems focuses …
widely in practice. Essentially all of the theoretical work on multiserver-job systems focuses …
Fault-tolerant workflow scheduling using spot instances on clouds
Scientific workflows are used to model applications of high throughput computation and
complex large scale data analysis. In recent years, Cloud computing is fast evolving as the …
complex large scale data analysis. In recent years, Cloud computing is fast evolving as the …
Gang EDF scheduling of parallel task systems
The preemptive real-time scheduling of sporadic parallel task systems is studied. We
present an algorithm, called gang EDF, which applies the earliest deadline first (EDF) policy …
present an algorithm, called gang EDF, which applies the earliest deadline first (EDF) policy …
A comprehensive model of the supercomputer workload
As with any computer system, the performance of supercomputers depends upon the
workloads that serve as their input. Unfortunately, however, there are many important …
workloads that serve as their input. Unfortunately, however, there are many important …
Reliable provisioning of spot instances for compute-intensive applications
Cloud computing providers are now offering their unused resources for leasing in the spot
market, which has been considered the first step towards a full-fledged market economy for …
market, which has been considered the first step towards a full-fledged market economy for …
Enhancing reliability of workflow execution using task replication and spot instances
Cloud environments offer low-cost computing resources as a subscription-based service.
These resources are elastically scalable and dynamically provisioned. Furthermore, cloud …
These resources are elastically scalable and dynamically provisioned. Furthermore, cloud …
Modeling user runtime estimates
User estimates of job runtimes have emerged as an important component of the workload on
parallel machines, and can have a significant impact on how a scheduler treats different …
parallel machines, and can have a significant impact on how a scheduler treats different …
How are real grids used? the analysis of four grid traces and its implications
The grid computing vision promises to provide the needed platform for a new and more
demanding range of applications. For this promise to become true, a number of hurdles …
demanding range of applications. For this promise to become true, a number of hurdles …
Adaptive work-stealing with parallelism feedback
Multiprocessor scheduling in a shared multiprogramming environment can be structured as
two-level scheduling, where a kernel-level job scheduler allots processors to jobs and a …
two-level scheduling, where a kernel-level job scheduler allots processors to jobs and a …