Blockholders: A survey of theory and evidence

A Edmans, CG Holderness - The handbook of the economics of corporate …, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on the role of blockholders (large
shareholders) in corporate governance. We start with the underlying property rights of public …

Blockholders and corporate governance

A Edmans - Annu. Rev. Financ. Econ., 2014 -
This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on the channels through which
blockholders (large shareholders) engage in corporate governance. In classical models …

Big data as a governance mechanism

C Zhu - The Review of Financial Studies, 2019 -
This study empirically investigates two effects of alternative data availability: stock price
informativeness and its disciplining effect on managers' actions. Recent computing …

Stock liquidity and default risk

J Brogaard, D Li, Y **a - Journal of Financial Economics, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper examines the impact of stock liquidity on firm bankruptcy risk. Using the
Securities and Exchange Commission decimalization regulation as a shock to stock liquidity …

Corporate social responsibility, investor protection, and cost of equity: A cross-country comparison

W Breuer, T Müller, D Rosenbach… - Journal of Banking & …, 2018 - Elsevier
Based on a large international sample, we examine the effects of CSR on the cost of equity
under different levels of investor protection. In countries where investor protection is strong …

Informing the market: The effect of modern information technologies on information production

M Gao, J Huang - The Review of Financial Studies, 2020 -
Modern information technologies have fundamentally changed how information is
disseminated in financial markets. Using the staggered implementation of the EDGAR …

[BOK][B] Market liquidity: theory, evidence, and policy

T Foucault, M Pagano, A Röell - 2023 -
The way in which securities are traded is very different from the idealized picture of a
frictionless and self-equilibrating market offered by the typical finance textbook. In Market …

Does algorithmic trading reduce information acquisition?

BM Weller - The Review of Financial Studies, 2018 -
I demonstrate an important tension between acquiring information and incorporating it into
asset prices. As a salient case, I analyze algorithmic trading (AT), which is typically …

Characteristics of a firm's information environment and the information asymmetry between insiders and outsiders

R Frankel, X Li - Journal of accounting and economics, 2004 - Elsevier
We examine how financial statement informativeness, analyst following, and news relate to
the information asymmetry between insiders and outsiders. Corporations' timely disclosures …

Governance through trading and intervention: A theory of multiple blockholders

A Edmans, G Manso - The Review of Financial Studies, 2011 -
Traditional theories argue that governance is strongest under a single large blockholder, as
she has high incentives to undertake value-enhancing interventions. However, most firms …