Interoceptive rhythms in the brain
Sensing internal bodily signals, or interoception, is fundamental to maintain life. However,
interoception should not be viewed as an isolated domain, as it interacts with exteroception …
interoception should not be viewed as an isolated domain, as it interacts with exteroception …
Over and above frequency: Gamma oscillations as units of neural circuit operations
Summary Gamma oscillations (∼ 30–150 Hz) are widespread correlates of neural circuit
functions. These network activity patterns have been described across multiple animal …
functions. These network activity patterns have been described across multiple animal …
Functional neuronal circuitry and oscillatory dynamics in human brain organoids
Human brain organoids replicate much of the cellular diversity and developmental anatomy
of the human brain. However, the physiology of neuronal circuits within organoids remains …
of the human brain. However, the physiology of neuronal circuits within organoids remains …
Parameterizing neural power spectra into periodic and aperiodic components
Electrophysiological signals exhibit both periodic and aperiodic properties. Periodic
oscillations have been linked to numerous physiological, cognitive, behavioral and disease …
oscillations have been linked to numerous physiological, cognitive, behavioral and disease …
Towards a systematization of brain oscillatory activity in actions
Abstract Information processing in the brain is governed by oscillatory activity. Activity
oscillations in specific frequency bands (theta, alpha, beta and gamma) have been …
oscillations in specific frequency bands (theta, alpha, beta and gamma) have been …
Speech rhythms and their neural foundations
The recognition of spoken language has typically been studied by focusing on either words
or their constituent elements (for example, low-level features or phonemes). More recently …
or their constituent elements (for example, low-level features or phonemes). More recently …
A new unifying account of the roles of neuronal entrainment
Rhythms are a fundamental and defining feature of neuronal activity in animals including
humans. This rhythmic brain activity interacts in complex ways with rhythms in the internal …
humans. This rhythmic brain activity interacts in complex ways with rhythms in the internal …
Methodological considerations for studying neural oscillations
Neural oscillations are ubiquitous across recording methodologies and species, broadly
associated with cognitive tasks, and amenable to computational modelling that investigates …
associated with cognitive tasks, and amenable to computational modelling that investigates …
Sex differences in the human brain: a roadmap for more careful analysis and interpretation of a biological reality
The presence, magnitude, and significance of sex differences in the human brain are hotly
debated topics in the scientific community and popular media. This debate is largely fueled …
debated topics in the scientific community and popular media. This debate is largely fueled …
Complex oscillatory waves emerging from cortical organoids model early human brain network development
Structural and transcriptional changes during early brain maturation follow fixed
developmental programs defined by genetics. However, whether this is true for functional …
developmental programs defined by genetics. However, whether this is true for functional …