[Књига][B] Dirichlet forms and symmetric Markov processes

M Fukushima, Y Oshima, M Takeda - 2011 - books.google.com
 This book contains an introductory and comprehensive account of the theory of (symmetric)
Dirichlet forms. Moreover this analytic theory is unified with the probabilistic potential theory …

[Књига][B] Graphs and discrete Dirichlet spaces

M Keller, D Lenz, RK Wojciechowski - 2021 - Springer
The present book deals with the spectral geometry of infinite graphs. This topic involves the
interplay of three different subjects: geometry, the spectral theory of Laplacians and the heat …

[Књига][B] Nonlinear diffusion equations and curvature conditions in metric measure spaces

L Ambrosio, A Mondino, G Savaré - 2019 - ams.org
The aim of this paper is to provide new characterizations of the curvature dimension
condition in the context of metric measure spaces $(X,\mathsf {d},\mathfrak {m}) $. On the …

Self-improvement of the Bakry-\'Emery condition and Wasserstein contraction of the heat flow in RCD (K,\infty) metric measure spaces

G Savaré - arxiv preprint arxiv:1304.0643, 2013 - arxiv.org
We prove that the linear heat flow in a RCD (K,\infty) metric measure space (X, d, m) satisfies
a contraction property with respect to every L^ p-Kantorovich-Rubinstein-Wasserstein …

[Књига][B] Stochastic flows and jump-diffusions

H Kunita - 2019 - Springer
The Wiener process and the Poisson random measure are fundamental to the study of
stochastic processes; the former describes a continuous random evolution, and the latter …

[Књига][B] Random walks on disordered media and their scaling limits

T Kumagai - 2014 - Springer
The main theme of these lecture notes is to analyze heat conduction on disordered media
such as fractals and percolation clusters by means of both probabilistic and analytic …

On the Bakry–Émery Condition, the Gradient Estimates and the Local-to-Global Property of Metric Measure Spaces

L Ambrosio, A Mondino, G Savaré - The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2016 - Springer
We prove higher summability and regularity of Γ\big (f\big) Γ (f) for functions ff in spaces
satisfying the Bakry–Émery condition BE (K, ∞) BE (K,∞). As a byproduct, we obtain various …

First‐order Sobolev spaces, self‐similar energies and energy measures on the Sierpiński carpet

M Murugan, R Shimizu - Communications on Pure and Applied …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
For any p∈(1,∞) p∈(1,∞), we construct pp‐energies and the corresponding pp‐energy
measures on the Sierpiński carpet. A salient feature of our Sobolev space is the self …

A general framework for nonlocal Neumann problems

G Foghem, M Kassmann - arxiv preprint arxiv:2204.06793, 2022 - arxiv.org
Within the framework of Hilbert spaces, we solve nonlocal problems in bounded domains
with prescribed conditions on the complement of the domain. Our main focus is on the …

[Књига][B] Semi-Dirichlet forms and Markov processes

Y Oshima - 2013 - books.google.com
This book deals with analytic treatments of Markov processes. Symmetric Dirichlet forms and
their associated Markov processes are important and powerful tools in the theory of Markov …