Current research issues and trends in non-English Web searching

F Lazarinis, J Vilares, J Tait, EN Efthimiadis - Information Retrieval, 2009‏ - Springer
With increasingly higher numbers of non-English language web searchers the problems of
efficient handling of non-English Web documents and user queries are becoming major …

Tokenization and proper noun recognition for information retrieval

FM Barcala, J Vilares, MA Alonso… - … on Database and …, 2002‏ -
In this paper we consider a set of natural language processing techniques that can be used
to analyze large amounts of texts, focusing on the advanced tokenizer which accounts for a …

A common solution for tokenization and part-of-speech tagging: One-pass Viterbi algorithm vs. iterative approaches

J Grana, MA Alonso, M Vilares - International Conference on Text, Speech …, 2002‏ - Springer
Current taggers assume that input texts are already tokenized, ie correctly segmented in
tokens or high level information units that identify each individual component of the texts …

Extraction of complex index terms in non-English IR: A shallow parsing based approach

J Vilares, MA Alonso, M Vilares - Information processing & management, 2008‏ - Elsevier
The performance of information retrieval systems is limited by the linguistic variation present
in natural language texts. Word-level natural language processing techniques have been …

Resolving translation ambiguity using monolingual corpora

Y Qu, G Grefenstette, DA Evans - … of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum …, 2002‏ - Springer
In the bilingual track of CLEF 2002, focusing on word translation ambiguity, we
experimented with several techniques for choosing the best target translation for each …

COLE experiments in the CLEF 2002 Spanish monolingual track

J Vilares, MA Alonso, FJ Ribadas, M Vilares - Advances in Cross …, 2003‏ - Springer
In this our first participation in CLEF, we applied Natural Language Processing techniques
for single word and multiword term conflation. We tested several approaches at different …

Cole experiments at CLEF 2003 in the Spanish monolingual track

J Vilares, MA Alonso, FJ Ribadas - … Access Systems: 4th Workshop of the …, 2004‏ - Springer
In this our second participation in the CLEF Spanish monolingual track, we have continued
applying Natural Language Processing techniques for single word and multi-word term …

Compilation of constraint-based contextual rules for part-of-speech tagging into finite state transducers

J Grana, G Andrade, J Vilares - International Conference on …, 2002‏ - Springer
With the aim of removing the residuary errors made by pure stochastic disambiguation
models, we put forward a hybrid system in which linguist users introduce high level …

Cole experiments at qa@ clef 2004 spanish monolingual track

EM Díaz, JV Ferro, DC Souto - … of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum …, 2004‏ - Springer
This paper is a report on our third participation in CLEF. More precisely, this year we have
participated in the Spanish Monolingual Question Answering Track for the first time. As a …

Feedback-free circuits in the algebra of transients

M Gheorghiu, J Brzozowski - … Conference, CIAA 2002 Tours, France, July …, 2003‏ - Springer
An efficient simulation algorithm using an algebra of transients for gate circuits was
proposed by Brzozowski and Ésik. This algorithm seems capable of predicting all the signal …