Reservoir properties of Chinese tectonic coal: A review
Y Cheng, Z Pan - Fuel, 2020 - Elsevier
Tectonic coal, formed after the intact coal being subjected to long-term intense squeezing,
shearing and deformation, is characterised by brittle or ductile damaged coal body, with the …
shearing and deformation, is characterised by brittle or ductile damaged coal body, with the …
Laboratory measurement of low permeability unconventional gas reservoir rocks: A review of experimental methods
Unconventional natural gas has become an important source of energy. However, the
development of such resources has been challenging as these reservoirs are characterised …
development of such resources has been challenging as these reservoirs are characterised …
Effects of gas components, reservoir property and pore structure of shale gas reservoir on the competitive adsorption behavior of CO2 and CH4
CO 2 injection into shale gas reservoirs is deemed as a potential scheme to enhance CH 4
recovery and achieve the ambition of carbon neutral. The insufficient research of binary gas …
recovery and achieve the ambition of carbon neutral. The insufficient research of binary gas …
A data-driven shale gas production forecasting method based on the multi-objective random forest regression
Shale gas is an important unconventional natural gas resource existing in shale reservoir
with huge reserves. Due to the ultralow porosity and permeability, it requires the horizontal …
with huge reserves. Due to the ultralow porosity and permeability, it requires the horizontal …
Quantitative studies on the characterization and evaluation of adsorbed gas and free gas in deep shale reservoirs
The quantitative characterization of adsorbed gas and free gas in shale reservoirs is a key
issue in exploration and development of shale gas. Thus, the aforementioned topic is of …
issue in exploration and development of shale gas. Thus, the aforementioned topic is of …
Laboratory characterisation of fracture compressibility for coal and shale gas reservoir rocks: A review
Unconventional natural gas, including coalbed methane and shale gas, has become
important natural gas resources. Coal and shale reservoirs are characterised by low porosity …
important natural gas resources. Coal and shale reservoirs are characterised by low porosity …
A fully coupled multidomain and multiphysics model for evaluation of shale gas extraction
Creating a stimulated reservoir domain (SRD) is a necessity to effectively extract natural gas
from shale reservoirs. After hydraulic fracturing, a shale reservoir has three distinct domains …
from shale reservoirs. After hydraulic fracturing, a shale reservoir has three distinct domains …
Numerical evaluation on multiphase flow and heat transfer during thermal stimulation enhanced shale gas recovery
A fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model in multiphase shale gas reservoirs is first
developed and is then validated with analytical solutions and experimental result …
developed and is then validated with analytical solutions and experimental result …
Adsorption models for methane in shales: Review, comparison, and application
Finding an optimized adsorption model to estimate the true adsorbed quantity of methane in
shale at reservoir conditions is fundamental for estimating the gas-in-place (GIP), and …
shale at reservoir conditions is fundamental for estimating the gas-in-place (GIP), and …
Estimation of gas-in-place content in coal and shale reservoirs: A process analysis method and its preliminary application
The gas-in-place content in coal and shale reservoirs is one of the key parameters, which
impacts the exploitation potential of natural gas resources. Though its estimation has been …
impacts the exploitation potential of natural gas resources. Though its estimation has been …