Analyzing the educational design, use and effect of spatial games for cultural heritage: A literature review
Integrating game-based approaches with learning constitutes a prevailing trend in education
and training, applied in several domains, one of which is cultural heritage. The present …
and training, applied in several domains, one of which is cultural heritage. The present …
Transmedia storytelling and the creation of a converging space of educational practices
As the media landscape evolves, educators are tap** into learning opportunities that meet
the needs of 21st century learners. This paper provides an entry point to a relevant social …
the needs of 21st century learners. This paper provides an entry point to a relevant social …
O-Mopsi: Mobile orienteering game for sightseeing, exercising, and education
Location-based games have been around already since 2000 but only recently when
PokemonGo came to markets it became clear that they can reach wide popularity. In this …
PokemonGo came to markets it became clear that they can reach wide popularity. In this …
Students as game designers vs.'just'players: Comparison of two different approaches to location-based games implementation into school curricula
M Slussareff, P Boháčková - Digital Education Review, 2016 -
This paper compares two kinds of educational treatment within location-based game
approach; learning by playing a location-based game and learning by designing a location …
approach; learning by playing a location-based game and learning by designing a location …
Tsunami evacuation drill system using smart glasses
J Kawai, H Mitsuhara, M Shishibori - Procedia Computer Science, 2015 - Elsevier
Evacuation drills are commonly conducted as traditional disaster education to reduce
damages from natural disasters. However participants are not always interested in or …
damages from natural disasters. However participants are not always interested in or …
Action research on the application of technology assisted urban gaming in language education in a Polish upper-secondary school
J Pitura, E Terlecka-Pacut - Computer assisted language learning, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Being able to communicate in foreign languages, along with the remaining key
competences for lifelong learning, are of special significance for upper-secondary school …
competences for lifelong learning, are of special significance for upper-secondary school …
Learning history through location-based games: The fortification gates of the Venetian Walls of the City of Heraklion
Games in education have always been a tool for increasing motivation and interest of
learners. We present Location-Based Games (LBG) as a tool to involve and motivate …
learners. We present Location-Based Games (LBG) as a tool to involve and motivate …
Digital heritage gamification: an augmented-virtual walkthrough to learn and explore tangible cultural heritage
In the last decade, cultural heritage including historical sites are reconstructed into digital
heritage. Based on UNESCO, digital heritage defines as “cultural, educational, scientific and …
heritage. Based on UNESCO, digital heritage defines as “cultural, educational, scientific and …
[PDF][PDF] Tendencias del uso de las tecnologías móviles en espacios urbanos: m-learning y patrimonio cultural
I Grevtsova, G Dhigecs - Revista Ph, 2016 -
El presente artículo presenta el estudio de las tendencias del uso de las tecnologías
móviles en ciudades con fines educativos y divulgativos sobre el patrimonio urbano. El …
móviles en ciudades con fines educativos y divulgativos sobre el patrimonio urbano. El …
Digital heritage gamification: An augmented-virtual walkthrough to learn and explore historical places
In the last decade, cultural heritage including historical sites are reconstructed into digital
heritage. Based on UNESCO, digital heritage defines as “cultural, educational, scientific and …
heritage. Based on UNESCO, digital heritage defines as “cultural, educational, scientific and …