Forget binning and get SMART: Getting more out of the time-course of response data
Many experiments aim to investigate the time-course of cognitive processes while
measuring a single response per trial. A common first step in the analysis of such data is to …
measuring a single response per trial. A common first step in the analysis of such data is to …
Visual mislocalization during saccade sequences
Visual objects briefly presented around the time of saccadic eye movements are perceived
compressed towards the saccade target. Here, we investigated perisaccadic mislocalization …
compressed towards the saccade target. Here, we investigated perisaccadic mislocalization …
Characterizing and dissociating multiple time-varying modulatory computations influencing neuronal activity
In many brain areas, sensory responses are heavily modulated by factors including
attentional state, context, reward history, motor preparation, learned associations, and other …
attentional state, context, reward history, motor preparation, learned associations, and other …
Number magnitude to finger map** is disembodied and topological
It has been shown that humans associate fingers with numbers because finger counting
strategies interact with numerical judgements. At the same time, there is evidence that there …
strategies interact with numerical judgements. At the same time, there is evidence that there …
No perisaccadic mislocalization with abruptly cancelled saccades
Every saccadic eye movement that we make changes the image of the world on our retina.
Yet, despite these retinal shifts, we still perceive our visual world to be stable. Efference copy …
Yet, despite these retinal shifts, we still perceive our visual world to be stable. Efference copy …
Compression of space for low visibility probes
S Born, HM Krüger, E Zimmermann… - Frontiers in systems …, 2016 - frontiersin.org
Stimuli briefly flashed just before a saccade are perceived closer to the saccade target, a
phenomenon known as perisaccadic compression of space (Ross et al.,). More recently, we …
phenomenon known as perisaccadic compression of space (Ross et al.,). More recently, we …
Misjudging where you felt a light switch in a dark room
Previous research has shown that subjects systematically misperceive the location of visual
and haptic stimuli presented briefly around the time of a movement of the sensory organ …
and haptic stimuli presented briefly around the time of a movement of the sensory organ …
Is mislocalization during saccades related to the position of the saccade target within the image or to the gaze position at the end of the saccade?
A stimulus that is flashed around the time of a saccade tends to be mislocalized in the
direction of the saccade target. Our question is whether the mislocalization is related to the …
direction of the saccade target. Our question is whether the mislocalization is related to the …
The role of temporal information in perisaccadic mislocalization
In dynamic environments, it is crucial to accurately consider the timing of information. For
instance, during saccades the eyes rotate so fast that even small temporal errors in relating …
instance, during saccades the eyes rotate so fast that even small temporal errors in relating …
Effect of saccade automaticity on perisaccadic space compression
Briefly presented stimuli occurring just before or during a saccadic eye movement are
mislocalized, leading to a compression of visual space toward the target of the saccade. In …
mislocalized, leading to a compression of visual space toward the target of the saccade. In …