Interplay between Candida albicans and lactic acid bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract: impact on colonization resistance, microbial carriage, opportunistic infection …

KD Zeise, RJ Woods, GB Huffnagle - Clinical microbiology reviews, 2021 -
Emerging studies have highlighted the disproportionate role of Candida albicans in
influencing both early community assembly of the bacterial microbiome and dysbiosis during …

Phytostimulation and biocontrol potential of Gram-positive endospore-forming Bacilli

R Soni, H Keharia - Planta, 2021 - Springer
Main conclusion The spore-forming Bacillus and Paenibacillus species represent the phyla
of beneficial bacteria for application as agricultural inputs in form of effective …

New view on dietary fiber selection for predictable shifts in gut microbiota

TM Cantu-Jungles, BR Hamaker - MBio, 2020 -
Dietary fibers can be utilized to shape the human gut microbiota. However, the outcomes
from most dietary fibers currently used as prebiotics are a result of competition between …

A prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-response relationship study to investigate efficacy of f ructo-o ligo s accharides (FOS) on human gut …

D Tandon, MM Haque, M Gote, M Jain, A Bhaduri… - Scientific reports, 2019 -
Abstract Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), a prebiotic supplement, is known for its Bifidogenic
capabilities. However, aspects such as effect of variable quantities of FOS intake on gut …

A gut-derived Streptococcus salivarius produces the novel nisin variant designated nisin G and inhibits Fusobacterium nucleatum in a model of the human distal …

GW Lawrence, E Garcia-Gutierrez, AK O'Mahony… - mBio, 2025 -
Fusobacterium nucleatum is a human pathogen associated with intestinal conditions
including colorectal cancer. Screening for gut-derived strains that exhibit anti-F. nucleatum …

An overview of Parafrankia (Nod+/Fix+) and Pseudofrankia (Nod+/Fix−) interactions through genome mining and experimental modeling in co-culture and co …

M Gtari, NJ Beauchemin, I Sarker, A Sen… - Applied and …, 2024 -
In many frankia, the ability to nodulate host plants (Nod+) and fix nitrogen (Fix+) is a
common strategy. However, some frankia within the Pseudofrankia genus lack one or two of …

Microbial co-occurrence in floral nectar affects metabolites and attractiveness to a generalist pollinator

CC Rering, RL Vannette, RN Schaeffer… - Journal of Chemical …, 2020 - Springer
Microbial metabolism can shape cues important for animal attraction in service-resource
mutualisms. Resources are frequently colonized by microbial communities, but experimental …

Hydration conditions as a critical factor in antibiotic-mediated bacterial competition outcomes

Y Beizman-Magen, T Orevi… - Applied and …, 2025 -
Antibiotic secretion plays a pivotal role in bacterial interference competition; yet, the impact
of environmental hydration conditions on such competition is not well understood. Here, we …

Disentangling the relative roles of vertical transmission, subsequent colonizations, and diet on cockroach microbiome assembly

J Renelies-Hamilton, K Germer, D Sillam-Dussès… - Msphere, 2021 -
ABSTRACT A multitude of factors affect the assemblies of complex microbial communities
associated with animal hosts, with implications for community flexibility, resilience, and long …