What's in a name? Archives for black lives in Philadelphia and the impact of names and name authorities in archival description

AA Antracoli, K Rawdon - Temple University Libraries, 2019‏ - scholarshare.temple.edu
Archivists, working within a profession that is 87.7% white, have historically been focused on
the description and naming of mostly white, male records creators and subjects. 1 This is …

Collective praxis: Leveraging local and heritage-based values for public librarian professional development

V Irvin - How public libraries build sustainable communities in …, 2023‏ - emerald.com
In Hawaiʻi, two public library systems exist–a traditional municipal branch system and a
Native Hawaiian rural community-based library network. The Hawaii State Public Library …

Shifting established mindsets and praxis in libraries: Five insights for making non-Western knowledge digitally accessible through community engagement

K Tharani - Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2019‏ - cjal.ca
This paper is a reflection on the challenges encountered and decisions made as part of a
multi-year community-based action research project to digitally curate a living oral tradition …

Decolonization and reconciliation work in public libraries: An analysis of strategic plans

D Rathi - Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS …, 2021‏ - journals.library.ualberta.ca
Abstract The 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada report provides
valuable guidance and critical foundation on decolonization and reconciliation in Canada …

Just KOS! Enriching Digital Collections with Hypertexts to Enhance Accessibility of Non-Western Knowledge Materials in Libraries

K Tharani - KO KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION, 2020‏ - nomos-elibrary.de
The knowledge organization systems (KOS) in use at libraries are social constructs that
were conceived in the Euro-American context to organize and retrieve Western knowledge …

[HTML][HTML] Introduction: Putting Open Social Scholarship into Practice

A Arbuckle, C Winter, R Siemens, T Barnett - 2022‏ - popjournal.ca
It is difficult to consider open scholarship in the early 2020s without referencing the elephant
in the room: the shared global context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This strange and …

A Case Study of the Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library Conscious Editing Steering Committee

T Thomas - 2020‏ - cdr.lib.unc.edu
The purpose of this study is to examine the Conscious Editing Initiative and Steering
Committee at the UNC Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library. The project spurred …

Using Records About Slavery Tutorial: A Project of the Wilson Special Collections Library

L Neuroth - 2020‏ - cdr.lib.unc.edu
This paper describes the development of an online tutorial designed to help undergraduate
students conduct research using archival collections about slavery and to navigate to and …