Rice–wheat system in the northwest Indo-Gangetic plains of South Asia: Issues and technological interventions for increasing productivity and sustainability
Puddled transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) followed by intensively tilled wheat (Triticum
aestivum L.)(R–W) is the most predominant crop** system and the lifeline for billions of …
aestivum L.)(R–W) is the most predominant crop** system and the lifeline for billions of …
Challenges and opportunities in productivity and sustainability of rice cultivation system: a critical review in Indian perspective
Rice–wheat crop** system, intensively followed in Indo-Gangetic plains (IGP), played a
prominent role in fulfilling the food grains demand of the increasing population of South …
prominent role in fulfilling the food grains demand of the increasing population of South …
[HTML][HTML] Sustainability issues on rice–wheat crop** system
Rice–wheat crop** system (RWCS) of the South Asia is labour-, water-, capital-and
energy-intensive, and become less profitable as the availability of these resources …
energy-intensive, and become less profitable as the availability of these resources …
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Cultivation by Zero Tillage and Paddy Straw Mulching in the Saline Soils of the Ganges Delta
In the coastal region of the Ganges Delta, rice is the predominant crop during the wet/kharif
season and most of the land remains fallow during dry/rabi season due to soil salinity and …
season and most of the land remains fallow during dry/rabi season due to soil salinity and …
[HTML][HTML] Potato zero-tillage and mulching is promising in achieving agronomic gain in Asia
Rice-based systems have recently been recognized as the most critical plant source of C
emissions worldwide. Globally, rice production is highest in Asia. Actions to introduce …
emissions worldwide. Globally, rice production is highest in Asia. Actions to introduce …
Strategies to practice climate-smart agriculture to improve the livelihoods under the rice-wheat crop** system in South Asia
The rice-wheat crop** sequence (RWCS) is the world's largest agricultural production
system occupying around 12.3 M ha in India, 0.5 M ha in Nepal, 2.2 M ha in Pakistan, and …
system occupying around 12.3 M ha in India, 0.5 M ha in Nepal, 2.2 M ha in Pakistan, and …
Concept and Consequence of Evapotranspiration for Sustainable
The chapter provides an inclusive information related to the adverse effect of climate change
on sustainable crop production through understanding evaporation, transpiration as well as …
on sustainable crop production through understanding evaporation, transpiration as well as …
Water footprint in rice-based crop** systems of South Asia
Global population is increasing at an alarming rate, need to produce more food grains with
the shrieking infinite natural resources, and water security is a major problem on the planet …
the shrieking infinite natural resources, and water security is a major problem on the planet …
Nitrous oxide emission and mitigation from maize–wheat rotation in the upper Indo-Gangetic Plains
Due to its lower water requirement, methane emission and soil degradation, a maize–wheat
rotation (MWR) may be a more attractive alternative to rice–wheat rotation (RWR), in the …
rotation (MWR) may be a more attractive alternative to rice–wheat rotation (RWR), in the …
[PDF][PDF] Zero tillage impacts on soil environment and properties
R Bhatt - Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences, 2017 - researchgate.net
Tillage-mechanical manipulation of the soil done to have a fine seed bed, get rid of weeds
and to decrease the leaching and percolation losses for the better land productivity but on …
and to decrease the leaching and percolation losses for the better land productivity but on …