The gasdermins, a protein family executing cell death and inflammation
The gasdermins are a family of recently identified pore-forming effector proteins that cause
membrane permeabilization and pyroptosis, a lytic pro-inflammatory type of cell death …
membrane permeabilization and pyroptosis, a lytic pro-inflammatory type of cell death …
Genome-scale metabolic modeling enables in-depth understanding of big data
Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) enable the mathematical simulation of the
metabolism of archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotic organisms. GEMs quantitatively define a …
metabolism of archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotic organisms. GEMs quantitatively define a …
Ensembl 2020
Abstract The Ensembl (https://www. ensembl. org) is a system for generating and distributing
genome annotation such as genes, variation, regulation and comparative genomics across …
genome annotation such as genes, variation, regulation and comparative genomics across …
The EMBL-EBI search and sequence analysis tools APIs in 2019
The EMBL-EBI provides free access to popular bioinformatics sequence analysis
applications as well as to a full-featured text search engine with powerful cross-referencing …
applications as well as to a full-featured text search engine with powerful cross-referencing …
HMMER web server: 2018 update
Abstract The HMMER webserver [http://www. ebi. ac. uk/Tools/hmmer] is a free-to-use
service which provides fast searches against widely used sequence databases and profile …
service which provides fast searches against widely used sequence databases and profile …
Ensembl 2019
Abstract The Ensembl project (https://www. ensembl. org) makes key genomic data sets
available to the entire scientific community without restrictions. Ensembl seeks to be a …
available to the entire scientific community without restrictions. Ensembl seeks to be a …
PlantPAN3. 0: a new and updated resource for reconstructing transcriptional regulatory networks from ChIP-seq experiments in plants
Abstract The Plant Promoter Analysis Navigator (PlantPAN; http://PlantPAN. itps. ncku. edu.
tw/) is an effective resource for predicting regulatory elements and reconstructing …
tw/) is an effective resource for predicting regulatory elements and reconstructing …
PHI-base: the pathogen–host interactions database
The pathogen–host interactions database (PHI-base) is available at www. phi-base. org. PHI-
base contains expertly curated molecular and biological information on genes proven to …
base contains expertly curated molecular and biological information on genes proven to …
MicroScope: an integrated platform for the annotation and exploration of microbial gene functions through genomic, pangenomic and metabolic comparative analysis
Large-scale genome sequencing and the increasingly massive use of high-throughput
approaches produce a vast amount of new information that completely transforms our …
approaches produce a vast amount of new information that completely transforms our …
Genenames. org: the HGNC and VGNC resources in 2019
Abstract The HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) based at EMBL's European
Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) assigns unique symbols and names to human genes …
Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) assigns unique symbols and names to human genes …