[KIRJA][B] Principles of population dynamics and their application
AA Berryman - 2020 - books.google.com
This book provides an introduction to population dynamics, exploring rules that govern
change in any dynamic system and applying these general principles to populations of living …
change in any dynamic system and applying these general principles to populations of living …
[KIRJA][B] Predation in vertebrate communities: the Bialowieza Primeval Forest as a case study
B Jedrzejewska, W Jedrzejewski - 1998 - books.google.com
Predation, one of the most dramatic interactions in animals' lives, has long fascinated
ecologists. This volume presents carnivores, raptors and their prey in the complicated net of …
ecologists. This volume presents carnivores, raptors and their prey in the complicated net of …
Small‐rodent dynamics and predation
The hypothesis that the regular multiannual population oscillations of boreal and arctic small
rodents (voles and lemmings) are driven by predation is as old as the scientific study of …
rodents (voles and lemmings) are driven by predation is as old as the scientific study of …
Cyclic dynamics in a simple vertebrate predator-prey community
The collared lemming in the high-Arctic tundra in Greenland is preyed upon by four species
of predators that show marked differences in the numbers of lemmings each consumes and …
of predators that show marked differences in the numbers of lemmings each consumes and …
Contrasting alternative hypotheses about rodent cycles by translating them into parameterized models
Ecologists working on population cycles of arvicoline (microtine) rodents consider three
ecological mechanisms as the most likely explanations of this long‐standing puzzle in …
ecological mechanisms as the most likely explanations of this long‐standing puzzle in …
The logic and realism of the hypothesis of exploitation ecosystems
L Oksanen, T Oksanen - The American Naturalist, 2000 - journals.uchicago.edu
Hypotheses on trophic dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems fall into two major categories:
those in which plants are assumed to be invulnerable to their consumers and those in which …
those in which plants are assumed to be invulnerable to their consumers and those in which …
Climate change and cyclic predator–prey population dynamics in the high Arctic
The high Arctic has the world's simplest terrestrial vertebrate predator–prey community, with
the collared lemming being the single main prey of four predators, the snowy owl, the Arctic …
the collared lemming being the single main prey of four predators, the snowy owl, the Arctic …
Why ratio dependence is (still) a bad model of predation
PA Abrams - Biological Reviews, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
The history of the idea that predation rates are functions of the ratio of prey density to
predator density, known as ratio dependence, is reviewed and updated. When the term was …
predator density, known as ratio dependence, is reviewed and updated. When the term was …
[KIRJA][B] Population parameters: estimation for ecological models
H McCallum - 2008 - books.google.com
Ecologists and environmental managers rely on mathematical models, both to understand
ecological systems and to predict future system behavior. In turn, models rely on appropriate …
ecological systems and to predict future system behavior. In turn, models rely on appropriate …
Functional responses of coyotes and lynx to the snowshoe hare cycle
M O'Donoghue, S Boutin, CJ Krebs, G Zuleta… - Ecology, 1998 - Wiley Online Library
Coyotes and lynx are the two most important mammalian predators of snowshoe hares
throughout much of the boreal forest. Populations of hares cycle in abundance, with peaks in …
throughout much of the boreal forest. Populations of hares cycle in abundance, with peaks in …