Plant secondary metabolite diversity and species interactions

A Kessler, A Kalske - Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and …, 2018 -
Ever since the first plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) were isolated and identified,
questions about their ecological functions and diversity have been raised. Recent advances …

The floral microbiome: plant, pollinator, and microbial perspectives

RL Vannette - Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and …, 2020 -
Flowers at times host abundant and specialized communities of bacteria and fungi that
influence floral phenotypes and interactions with pollinators. Ecological processes drive …

Trends and applications in plant volatile sampling and analysis

D Tholl, O Hossain, A Weinhold, USR Röse… - The Plant …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by plants serve as information and defense
chemicals in mutualistic and antagonistic interactions and mitigate effects of abiotic stress …

Nectar‐inhabiting microorganisms influence nectar volatile composition and attractiveness to a generalist pollinator

CC Rering, JJ Beck, GW Hall, MM McCartney… - New …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The plant microbiome can influence plant phenotype in diverse ways, yet microbial
contribution to plant volatile phenotype remains poorly understood. We examine the …

Volatile-mediated plant–plant communication and higher-level ecological dynamics

A Kessler, MB Mueller, A Kalske, A Chautá - Current Biology, 2023 -
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in general and herbivory-induced plant volatiles
(HIPVs) in particular are increasingly understood as major mediators of information transfer …

A meta‐analysis of responses in floral traits and flower–visitor interactions to water deficit

J Kuppler, MM Kotowska - Global Change Biology, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Alterations in water availability and drought events as predicted by climate change
scenarios will increasingly impact natural communities with effects already emerging at …

Chemistry of floral rewards: intra‐and interspecific variability of nectar and pollen secondary metabolites across taxa

EC Palmer‐Young, IW Farrell, LS Adler… - Ecological …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Floral chemistry mediates plant interactions with pollinators, pathogens, and herbivores, with
major consequences for fitness of both plants and flower visitors. The outcome of such …

Isoprene and β‐caryophyllene confer plant resistance via different plant internal signalling pathways

L Frank, M Wenig, A Ghirardo… - Plant, Cell & …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Isoprene and other terpenoids are important biogenic volatile organic compounds in terms
of atmospheric chemistry. Isoprene can aid plant performance under abiotic stresses, but the …

Combinatorial codes and labeled lines: how insects use olfactory cues to find and judge food, mates, and oviposition sites in complex environments

A Haverkamp, BS Hansson, M Knaden - Frontiers in Physiology, 2018 -
Insects, including those which provide vital ecosystems services as well as those which are
devastating pests or disease vectors, locate their resources mainly based on olfaction …

Volatile organic compound patterns predict fungal trophic mode and lifestyle

Y Guo, W Jud, F Weikl, A Ghirardo, RR Junker… - Communications …, 2021 -
Fungi produce a wide variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which play central roles
in the initiation and regulation of fungal interactions. Here we introduce a global overview of …